Island Falls notes

9 years ago
By Riva Hawkes
Phone: 463-2483

Tom Hawkes and son, Chris, and wife, Amanda, have been recent guests of Riva for the day. While here they did a lot of cleaning up the area around the house and way down back where there were broken tree limbs caused by the winter storms, and around the front lawn replacing sods that were dug up during the plowing months.

Now all is done and when the rains come the grass will grow faster and the mowing will then commence.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Connelly have returned to their home here after spending the winter months at Vero Beach, Fla., and so, far, the weather hasn’t cooperated in being as warm as Florida, but I’m sure it will be soon.

I was visited by a friend, Marsha Pankratz, recently, and she gave me some cherry tomato and green pepper plants to set out when it gets warmer, so am looking forward to doing just that soon.

I still have the cardinals arriving early morning and late evening, and sometimes, if I am lucky, will see them in between. They rarely stay over a minute or two, so it’s hard to catch a sight of them. I have a great number of both male and female finches and they, too, are pretty to watch and they are all certainly busy darting in and out of the feeders. The nuthatches are still around, also, and the chickadees.

Pretty soon I will stop handing out the sunflower seeds as they will be about their business of finding their own food during the summer.

For a week or so, I didn’t see any deer way down back, but then a couple of days ago two reappeared after a brief rainy spell. There they stayed quite a while, eating the new growth, and then they came again a couple of days later. Hopefully before long they will bring new fawns with them, and they are always fun to watch as they romp around the back yard.