Danforth Habilitation group marks 30 years

8 years ago
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Enjoying the anniversary party for the Danforth Habilitation Center are residents Roger Tarr and Annie Gray in back with staff members Verna Ripley and Kristen Whiting.  

DANFORTH — In 1985 a group of caring citizens began pursuing the idea of a place to care for individuals with intellectual disabilities. A board of directors was formed and a few individuals began receiving services through the day program.

In 1986, 13 individuals were accepted into Danforth Habilitation Residential Center.


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Cecil Brittain is all smiles as he enjoys the party. 

From those modest beginnings Danforth Habilitation now serves resident members as well as individuals living in the community. DHA offers services from 24-hour/7-days a week care for individuals who need full-time nursing oversight, those who need 24-hour assistance with daily living routines, and others who live in the community. Our Association includes a new residential building, two assisted living homes and a separate Community Supports facility. Community Supports assist consumers with community integration and activities.


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Richard Alberts, center, and staff members Ashley Malone and Chelsee Allen enjoy the party. 

On May 25 th DHA celebrated 30 years of community service with a cook-out. The celebration was attended by residents served by DHA, staff and members of the community. We thank the people of Danforth and the surrounding area for making Danforth Habilitation a success.