50th Lenentine reunion

8 years ago

Fifty years ago, the descendants of Moses and Elizabeth Lenentine held the first annual reunion on Sept. 4, 1966, in Unity. Fifty years later, 74 descendants gathered to celebrate this annual event on Sept 4, 2016 in Monticello, traveling from such locales as Florida and Canada.

The day started with a Sunday morning memorial service at the Monticello West Road Church. Fresh cut flowers and an abundance of sunshine filled the church as Lenentine descendants gathered. Sandra Roy hosted the service with stories, childhood traditions and cherished memories shared by all.

A lobster dinner was served at the Monticello Clubhouse. Family members provided a buffet of salads, golden Canadian corn, with homemade specialty recipes of birthday cakes for dessert. Karla Brewer, Sue Lenentine and Sandra Roy provided these cakes, along with many other family desserts.

President Ashley Brewer conducted the business meeting, with Rebecca Cowperthwaite as treasurer, and Jane Lenentine gave the secretarial report.

History highlights of the past 50 years were presented by Jane. Reminiscences about births, braces, kindergarten and college graduations, new homes and new families were enjoyed by all. A photo display of Moses and Elizabeth Lenentine and of past reunions also provided wonderful memories.

The reunion brought many family members together, and a photographer captured each family. During each session there were missing faces and yet the gathering was blessed with precious new faces.

Town crier Sandra Roy read news of each family. She collects “good news” during reunions and reads them at the end of our day.

An auction concluded the day with items provided by family members. Ashley Brewer was auctioneer, encouraging a little competition to bid on homemade pies, pickles, homemade crafts and gifts.