Pet Talk

By Cathy Davis, Special to The County
8 years ago

Introducing Bruiser, the sweetest little guy you would ever want to meet. Bruiser came to Houlton Humane with his siblings at a very young age, rescued from a situation where folks were just in over their heads and needed a little help. The litter went immediately into foster homes where they could be tended to and socialized.

Bruiser has been a ton of fun, racing around, playing with his siblings, learning to love and trust his foster family and others, getting fat and happy and lazy and just enjoying life.

Just as Bruiser was ready for adoption, someone noticed that he was not responding to sounds. A mop dropped on the floor and no response, a slammed door, and no response, and soon there were people snapping and slapping behind his head trying to get him to pick up an ear, but nothing. The fear was that Bruiser may be deaf.

But there are many causes of deafness and many degrees of deafness. It could be that Bruiser has a head cold, an inner ear infection, even a tumor, so Bruiser is on his way for testing to see if his problem is serious, permanent or treatable. These tests will be expensive, but we believe that it’s important to know the extent of this problem and, if treatable, take care of it now, before adoption. If permanent, then that will affect the type of home he is placed in, as not every adopter would be equipped to train and love a deaf dog.

Financially, the funds just are not there to do this, but from a practical standpoint, we have learned that sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith, do what is right for the animal, and trust that the funds will come. You only need look into the eyes of this sweet baby to know he deserves a chance for a long and happy life in the very best home and the only way to assure that is to do the tests, treat him if treatable, and give him every single opportunity available.

If you have a soft spot for dogs, puppies, animals in need, would you consider a donation to help toward his Veterinary bills? Just $5 or $10 would be a huge help. You would designate your donations to the Bruiser fund, we will keep track of any and all funds received, and see that every dollar goes to his testing and treatment.

If we are fortunate enough to receive adequate funding to cover his medical bills and there is any excess, we have a beautiful Chow Mix, Lady, who has been in foster for a very long time, being treated for a skin condition and other issues, and we would designate any overage to her care.

Checks to Houlton Humane Society, PO Box 548, Houlton, Me 04730 and remember to write on the check “BRUISER” . One hug from this sweet baby and you are hooked, he is special and we are going to do everything within our power to see that he gets the best care and the best home.