Staff Writer
At a recent regular meeting of the Caribou Board of Education, directors approved the proposal of a full-day kindergarten program. “The idea of a full-day kindergarten program has been a goal of the Caribou Education Board for many years,” said Frank McElwain, superintendent of the Caribou school system. “We were able to make this work due to available space at Hilltop Elementary and by transferring one teacher from both a first-grade and a second-grade classroom,” said McElwain. Reassignment of these two staff members was made possible due to the reduction in school population. There are currently three existing kindergarten sessions and the full-day program will allow for five.
Other business considered by the education board were:
• Staffing changes which resulted in the elimination of one foreign language position at the middle school and a half-time science teacher at the high school.
• Consideration of electing probationary teachers as nominated by the superintendent with the list approved as presented. Probationary staff members nominated for a second year of probationary contract were: Caribou High School: Jamie Bell, science and Ryan Drost, math; Caribou Middle School: Susan Keaton, special education; Vocation School: Juanita Campbell, handicapped and Melinda Howe, law enforcement; Caribou Learning Center: Margaret Conologue, alternative education; Teague Park School: Grade 3 Chelsea Hopkins, Lena Tingley, art, Jenna Hartung, music and Tina Duplissie, preschool.
Nominated and approved for a continuing contract were: Caribou High School: Alan Dearborn science. Learning Center; Penny Jackson, special education; Middle School: Ralph Fantasia, social studies/math; P.J. Gorneault, health/physical education; Holly Rhinebolt, math/science and Shelly Richardson, Grade 7;
Hilltop Elementary School: Kara Bouchard, special education.
• School Consolidation. At the time of the meeting there were some changes in progress but no definite decision from legislative sources.
• School Facility Planning. The committee considered options of renovating versus building new, a structure housing pre-K through grade eight.