Aroostook RSVP honors voluteers

17 years ago

    Nearly 100 volunteers, ranging in age from 55 to 96, were honored at the 33rd annual Aroostook RSVP Volunteer Appreciation Celebration held at the State Road Advent Christian Church.          The theme “RSVP Volunteers:  Aroostook’s Natural Resource” set the tone for the day. The seniors are part of the 192 volunteers in the Central Aroostook area who donate their time to help County non-profit and public programs as members of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program. Sponsored by the Aroostook Agency on Aging, RSVP supports 505 volunteers county-wide. The luncheon honored service completed from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2007.
    Aroostook RSVP Director Eleanor Reese, serving as master of ceremonies, said the volunteers had donated a total of 94,895 hours to County agencies and programs last year. Steve Farnham, Aroostook Agency on Aging executive director, also made comments about the significant contributions each volunteer makes to the people, programs and agencies of Aroostook County. Volunteers provided such services as: medical transportation, friendly visiting, Meals on Wheels delivery, support of chambers of commerce, thrift shops, food banks, hospitals, nursing homes, libraries and museums, as well as serving at schools, daycares, making minor home repairs, knitting and more.
      Sen. Susan Collins offered congratulatory remarks in a letter read by State Office Representative Lorie Ireland. Also in attendance was Rachel Smith who gave congratulatory remarks on behalf of Congressman Michael Michaud. Diane Green and Jeff Pangburn represented Kathadin Trust Company, a major event sponsor, and thanked the volunteers for helping in their central Aroostook communities. Also in attendance were numerous representatives of the agencies and programs where RSVP volunteers serve.
    RSVP staff members Rebecca Legassie, Presque Isle area coordinator, Margaret Kimball, Caribou area coordinator, Connie Michaud, northern area coordinator, and program assistant Gini Garrett planned the event. RSVP Advisory Council member Dottie Sines from the Aroostook Agency on Aging in Presque Isle assisted with the event.
    A delicious meal was prepared and served by Shirley and Harold’s, of Presque Isle, and Noyes Flowers and Plant Shoppe, Phil’s Florist & Greenhouses and Down To Earth provided complimentary floral arrangements for the occasion. Dozens of businesses and organizations throughout the area provided support for the day.
    Besides recognizing years-served awards, 23 volunteers were applauded for serving over 500 hours during 2007. This year, four volunteers received the President’s Volunteer Service award for serving over 4,000 lifetime hours. In his 2002 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush issued a challenge to all Americans to make time to help their neighbors, communities and nation through service. He called on each person to dedicate at least 4,000 hours – or two years – to service over the course of their lives. He created the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation to help all Americans answer his call to service and help foster a culture of service, citizenship and responsibility.