Special to the Aroostook Republican
So you want a new kitten. A friend advises you to drive around until you see a sign that advertises “free kittens.” Is this kitten really “free?” The kitten has fleas and crusty eyes.
contributed photo Philip and Trevor have been at Caribou Pet Rescue since last February. They are very closely bonded and would miss each other if adopted separately. Therefore, CPR is offering an big discount if both cats are adopted together at an adoption fee of only $11 for both. Both Philip and Trevor are very clean, kind and well mannered. They are a little shy of people until they get to know you and feel you will be kind to them. Both cats are leukemia/AIDS tested, cleared of all parasites, neutered, and have had their rabies and distemper shots. They would do best in a home that would let them have a few days to explore and learn their new environment before knowing their people. Once settled Philip and Trevor will come to you for loving on their own time. Both are wonderful mousers. Call 498-3800 for more information. CPR saves lives.
The vet finds that this tiny bundle of “free-love kitten” also has ear mites and worms. The crusty eyes require an eye ointment and he is also needs to start his distemper vaccination series. But before you agree to all that, you need to have the kitten tested for the diseases of Leukemia/AIDS. The baby fortunately tests negative, you can start him on his leukemia vaccination series.
I applaud that you care about this little guy and you want to do this right. You pay the approximately $130 vet bill for this “free kitten” and make the appointment for his follow-up visit, second distemper and second leukemia shot. You can plan to add another $50 or so to the medical bill.
OOPs! Don’t forget, you need to have him neutered, finish up the distemper and leukemia vaccination series and get his first rabies shot. Add another estimated$70 to your tab and you find that you have paid about $250 for your “free kitten.” Congratulations, he is healthy and he is all yours. We sincerely do want you to be happy with your new kitten and we are delighted that you are obviously a responsible pet owner.
Now if you want a “good bargain” as a playmate to your “free-love kitten,” come to Caribou Pet Rescue. Our kitten adoption fee is only $75 (this includes treatments for all parasites, a fully paid spay/neuter voucher and age appropriate shots) and for the month of October the adult cats are still only $25 (this again is for treatment of all parasites, spaying/neutering is already completed and age appropriate shots have been given).
We thank David and Ruby Bickford of Etna, The Wal-Mart Foundation, The Caribou Kiwanis Club, Loring Job Corp, John and Ida Corriveau, Lucia and Terrance O’Donal, Steven and Judith Marr, SFE Mfg, Inc., Frank Hurley, Carla Bell and David Pelletier, Central City Sheet Metal and Jeff Baker for recent contributions to help with winter expenses.
October is the national “Adopt a Dog” month. Seven dogs were placed in new home on Sept. 20 due to our advanced adoption discount price of $25 (includes fully paid spay/neuter, treatment for parasites and age appropriate shots) until October 1. Please, don’t go looking for a sign that advertises “free puppies.”
Upcoming events for the shelter include our plan to host another microchip clinic in the very near future. Our cost per pet is only $15. This is a huge savings.
The Caribou Pet Rescue will also be having a Tent Sale. CPR is moving the tent sale to the Valley Flea Market located on the Access Highway across from the Crown Park Inn. You might remember this as the first Caribou Agway building years ago. The Valley Flea Market will run all winter on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. CPR will have tables utilizing an honor system with a donation box available for purchases.
Caribou Pet Rescue will host a booth at the Caribou Arts and Crafts Show on Oct. 18 and 19. We are looking for donations of all types of crafts and also for home baked goods. Please call the shelter and leave your name and message for Paula DeMerchant, chair of the fair. Baked goods can be dropped off at the shelter the Friday afternoon before the fair. If you belong to a club, please consider baking for us that weekend as a community project. We will also need extra people to staff our booth for 2 hour segments. Call 498-3800 if you are able to help us.
We are currently setting up elementary education classes for this fall and early winter for grades K-3. Our pet care classes are scheduled for 10 a.m. on Wednesday mornings and structured for the age of the students. If you would like to have CPR visit your classroom, please give us a call.
Returnable bottles continue to spay/neuter many precious animals. The 88 Bennett Drive Redemption continues to pass on your donation as well as your wonderful comments. Thanks so much for your support.
Call 498-3800 for information or check out our pets at www.cariboupetrescue.petfinder.com Caribou Pet Rescue, 6 Richards Rd., PO Box 488, Caribou, ME 04736 Neuter and Spay – It’s the ONLY Way.