Maine to Receive Additional $30 Million in LIHEAP Funds

16 years ago

    AUGUSTA – Governor John E. Baldacci has announced good news for Maine low-income households concerned about keeping safe and warm this winter. Maine will receive an additional $30 million in federal funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).     “Today’s announcement, coupled with the higher funding and eligible income level previously announced for LIHEAP and falling oil prices, make the home heating situation for our low-income households brighter now than they appeared a month ago,” Gov. Baldacci said.
    Maine Housing Director Dale McCormick said the announcement of additional funding will bring the average federal benefit for eligible LIHEAP households to $792. Prior to the release of additional funds, the average benefit was estimated at $557.
    “The total LIHEAP allocation has increased by 69 percent, but the number of households we anticipate serving has increased 65 percent. This means the average benefit is roughly the same, but more money is targeted at households that are most at risk,” said McCormick.
    “Our goal at the start of this heating season was to ensure that the lowest income households in the state received as much heating oil this winter as they did last year through LIHEAP,” McCormick noted. “It looks as though we will be able to reach that goal.”
    Last year, with an average benefit of $779, the average LIHEAP household received about 230 gallons of heating oil, slightly less than a full tank.
    The federal government now has approved LIHEAP spending of $79 million for Maine for the coming heating season – but the number of households expected to receive LIHEAP benefits also has increased substantially because Congress increased eligible income limits.
    Because of the higher income limits, MaineHousing estimates 84,000 Maine households will receive LIHEAP benefits this heating season.  Last heating season the program served about 50,000 households.
    “MaineHousing will be asking its Board of Commissioners next week to adopt an emergency rule that will allocate the LIHEAP funding equitably by need among all the families now eligible under the expanded income limits,” said McCormick.
    Gov. Baldacci cautioned that the increased funding for LIHEAP does not lessen the need for Maine government and Maine people to take steps to reduce energy consumption.
    “We are continuing state plans to weatherize additional homes this winter, and it remains important that neighbors and volunteers help people who are most vulnerable this winter,” the Governor said.  “Next week, on Oct. 25, we will have volunteer groups throughout the state distributing and installing the ‘Keep Me Warm’ kits on some 2,000 homes.”
    Persons interested in applying for LIHEAP should contact their regional CAP agency.  A list of CAP agencies and more information about LIHEAP is available at MaineHousing’s Web site at