Now that a majority of RSU/AOS plans have failed to be approved by voters, what is next? I have sponsored legislation that would allow towns to continue their consolidation plans once approval is gained by voters. For those who have rejected consolidation, my legislation would eliminate penalties for towns that wish to have more time or discontinue the effort. On Tuesday, February 3, 2009, I will be presenting to the Taxation Committee my bill, LD 72, that would reduce the tax for off road use of gasoline or diesel fuel for production agriculture, forestry, or commercial fishing. This legislation would have a positive impact on Maine’s economy by limiting the tax to five cents per gallon on this fuel.
I can be reached at home: 132 Baird Road, Caribou ME 04736; by home phone, (207) 496-3188; at the legislature, (207) 287-1440; or via e-mail at pedgecom@maine.rr.com.