CARIBOU — Aroostook Mental Health Services, Inc (dba AMHC) and Washington County Psychotherapy Associates, Inc. (dba WCPA) have announced they are in the are in the final phase of completing a thorough collaborative review process which will result in AMHC acquiring the services and assets of WCPA. AMHC has service operations in Aroostook County and WCPA has operations in Washington and Hancock Counties. AMHC and WCPA share a common mission of providing quality service to the rural communities they serve and a rich history of working collaboratively together to strengthen each other’s ability to provide quality services. The integrated service continuum will be comprised of a comprehensive array of emergency, outpatient, and residential mental health and substance abuse treatment services. The intent of this initiative is to strengthen the on-going programmatic and financial viability of behavioral and related physical health care services in Aroostook, Washington and Hancock counties in a manner that proactively recognizes and responds to the very real challenges of today’s regulatory and economic climate. This will be accomplished by reducing the cost of service delivery and preserving to the fullest extent possible the organization’s ability to maintain and where possible, improve the quality of and access to needed healthcare services within the community and provide secure, good paying jobs for health care service professionals.
Once the process is complete, AMHC will continue to do business as AMHC and will provide services under that name in its Aroostook County service area.
In the Washington and Hancock service area, services will be provided under a yet to be determined name.
For more information, contact Jamie Owens at AMHC at 498-6431.