Extension prepares for stew nights

16 years ago

    Twelve members of the Spragueville Homemakers Extension met at the home of Tammy Wheeler on Dec. 8, for their regular monthly meeting, followed by their Christmas party.     Vice President Tammy called the meeting to order in the absence of President Lois Griffin. The Homemakers Creed was recited and Tammy recorded volunteer hours.
    In the absence of Secretary/Treasurer LaVone Walters, Marilyn Wheeler took roll call; no secretary’s/treasurer’s reports were given.
    Sylvia Harper extended an invitation to members to a 95th birthday open-house for her mother-in-law, and one of the group’s honorary members, Elaine Harper, held Sunday, Dec. 14, from 2-4 p.m. at the Birch Street Community Center.
    Under Old Business: Tammy thanked those members who furnished cookies for the James School Open House on Dec. 6. She reported approximately 80 adults and children attending, and all seemed to enjoy the festivities.
    Sylvia reported that the boxes sent by the Extension to her son David’s unit in the Philippines had been received and distribution of items for orphans from the group to Sabastian Engels and his platoon.
    Under New Business: It was moved and seconded to again purchase Christmas gift cards at Wal-Mart for the Extension’s four honorary members – Angie Powers, Elaine Harper, Viola Beaulieu and Norma Gudreau. These cards were delivered during the holidays.
    A discussion was held on furnishing and serving stews/soups and pies at the Presque Isle Snowmobile Club on Jan. 30. It was decided to have members make the stews/soups at home, enabling a wider variety to be available.
    Several members present volunteered to make stews, soups, rolls, corn fritters and pies for the event.
    Members not present will be contacted for contributions.
    There will be no regular meeting in January.
    Following the meeting’s adjournment by Tammy, Blanche Beckwith displayed an “Eye Opener” of a beautiful queen-sized crocheted bedspread she had made for someone.
    What a lovely item, with many, many hours of talent put into it!
    A Yankee Swap was held, followed by a yummy variety of refreshments furnished by all in attendance.