Staff Writer
LIMESTONE — Tonight will be an interesting evening in Limestone; after months of crunching the numbers, the Limestone Selectpeople are scheduled to complete the review of and approve the Municipal Draft Budget for 2010/11 during their meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Limestone Municipal Building. Many individuals expressed concern regarding the budget this year, especially since Limestone budget contains an innate $40,757 loss due to state revenue sharing.
The last meeting of the selectpeople on March 16th was nearly four hours long; much of that was spent discussing budget items.
With Selectpeople Chair Walt Elliott absent, Selectpeople Fred Pelletier, Jim Leighton, Wade McLaughlin and Marylouise Morin voted on the following draft budget items:
$258,152 for the police department: three votes in favor, Morin opposed.
$48,000 for economic and community development: unanimous vote.
$197,557 for the administration: unanimous vote.
$348,965 for the public works department; unanimous vote.
$85270 for the parks and recreation department; unanimous vote.
$104,500 for public safety, including streetlights and hydrants; unanimous vote.
$44,500 for solid waste; unanimous vote.
$37,060 for social services; unanimous vote.
$68,370 for the library; unanimous vote.
$38,914 for debt retirement; unanimous vote.
$10,000 for the public works reserve account, $1,000 for the parks and recreation reserve account and $5,000 for the revaluation reserve; three votes in favor, Morin opposed.
$17,521 for unclassified items, including expenses such as July Fourth festivity costs; unanimous vote.
$64,650 for insurance; unanimous vote.
The draft fire department budget was not approved; all remaining budget items will be reviewed during tonight’s meeting.
The selectpeople will also be discussing a proposed ordinance regarding the recall of elected officials that has been on the table almost since the beginning of the year. As discussed at the last meeting, Town Manager Donna Bernier has received a legal opinion from the Maine Municipal Association regarding the potential ordinance and will be presenting the information to the selectpeople tonight.