Tree stands aid big game hunters

15 years ago

Many whitetail deer and wild turkey hunters swear by ground blinds for top rate concealment, versatility and up close shooting opportunities. In recent years however, more and more Aroostook big game gunners are converting to tree stands for bear, deer, and moose, thanks to an array of lightweight models which are comfortable and easy to transport and erect. Despite the fact that natural blinds may often be quickly thrown together with nearby foliage and vegetation, observing and shooting from ahigh offer several advantages.


For newcomers to tree stand hunting, selecting just the right style can be a daunting task. The three foremost features to consider when purchasing a tree stand are safety, comfort, and ease of set up. Outdoorsmen who prefer to change gunning locations frequently need either a light, self-climbing stand, or a set of 4- to 6-feet quick attach tree ladders and a strap-in-place seat and footrest. Let me tell you from past experience, installing either type  requires stamina, balance, and a bit of leg and arm muscle. These are not the best choices for middle age sportsmen of the baby boom generation.

Since bear baits are stationary, and most well scouted moose and deer trails, rubs and scrapes may be overviewed from one location, a stable ladder stand is generally the way to go for Crown of Maine bow, handgun, and long gun shooters. Aluminum and alloy tree stands are extremely sturdy, stable and able to support 300 pounds in single seat and 500 to 600 pounds in the two-man outfits. Seat heights when in place against a tree vary from 10- to 20-feet, with the 12, 14 and 16 foot heights favored by most hunters.

Being up in the air in a tree stand offers several advantages over sitting in a ground blind.First and foremost, visibility is far superior and a much larger section of forest or field may be watched from an elevated location. Secondly, human scent is far less concentrated up off the ground and is diluted and dissipated on any breeze, therefor less likely to spook big game. Also, just like you and I, animals are far more alert to predators on ground level and seldom look up into the trees for danger. All in all, sportsmen using tree stand are far less likely to be busted by the game animal’s sharp senses and therefore benefit from closer shot opportunities.

In the way of safety and comfort, pick out a tree stand with a sturdy ladder and solid hand holds or rails to ease climbing and add stability. A wide foot platform and a comfortable padded seat allow a sport to sit for hours with little fidgeting, and to stand and turn for shots to either side. Arm rests and foot rests increase comfort and an adjustable shooting bar yields great rifle or handgun aiming stability. A translucent camo cloth skirt around the stand hides most motion and there are even stands with large deployable camo-colored umbrellas for rainy day outings.

Stabilizer straps from the ladder to the tree are great accessories and a couple of ratchet style straps to assure the seat portion remains solid against the trunk are musts. Sharp, metal prongs or V-shaped wedges with teeth to bite into the wood as the straps are tightened negates any chance of sideways torque, twist or slippage as a hunter shifts his weight while in the seat.

Companies such as RealTree, Summit, and Lone Wolf manufacture top rate climbing style stands, while Summit, Big Game and Gorilla build a variety of proven hang-on type tree stands. Ameristep, API and Big Game construct ladder stands. I’ve tried out a dozen models by several companies over the years and Big Game’s SkyBox or Legacy one man and their Partner Plus two-man ladder stands are quality products at very reasonable prices. The two-man stands are great options when a Dad wants to oversee his young sports first few outings or a veteran hunters wishes to introduce a novice to the sport. Being side by side allows whispered advice, aids confidence as well as allowing two sets of eyes and ears to search for approaching game.

Plan on paying from $100 to $300 for various models, but don’t be cheap; life and limb depend on a quality tree stand and your hunting results will improve too. Local sporting goods stores carry a variety of stands or turn to Cabalas, L.L. Bean, Bass Pro or Gander Mountain if your model isn’t available in town.

To check out my proven favorites go on line to to view all the styles or call 1-800-268-5077 to ask questions or order your own tree stand. Bear, deer and moose seasons fill the next three months and every hunter’s chances of filling their tag improves from being up in the air. Take a stand and you’ll view big game gunning from an all new perspective.