Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund 2011 applications available

14 years ago

The Maine Education Association has announced the availability of the Clyde Russell Scholarship application for 2011 awards. The scholarships were established for Maine citizens through a trust created by the late Audrey Lewis, MEA president in 1958, in memory of Clyde Russell, who served as MEA executive director from 1945-66.

This year’s scholarships may be awarded in each of two categories: graduating high school seniors who will attend a four-year college and graduating high school seniors who will attend a Maine community college.

In both categories the awards will be major in nature, not to exceed $5,000. The award for community college students will not exceed $2,000 each.

Application forms for graduating high school seniors who will attend a four-year college and graduating high school seniors who will attend a Maine community college must be obtained by going to the following web-site:  

Brochures have been sent to all high school guidance offices, local libraries and town offices in the state. Applications may be downloaded between Nov. 1 and Jan. 31. Applicants must be citizens of Maine.

Completed applications must be postmarked by Feb. 1, 2011.