Caribou HS teachers makes semi-finalists

14 years ago

NE-MARGESON-DCX-ar-13-CLRAlana Margeson moves closer toward becoming the 2012 Maine Teacher of the Year

AUGUSTA – Caribou High School’s Alana Margeson has been named one of six semifinalists out of the 10 teachers nominated for 2012 Maine Teacher of the Year. A distinguished panel of teachers, principals and business community members made the selections last week.

The six semifinalists will undergo an intensive selection process — which includes a school visit, a professional portfolio review, and an oral presentation — before the pool is narrowed to three finalists. Those finalists will then sit for an interview before the 2012 Maine Teacher of the Year is selected. The review panels consist of past Teachers of the Year, principals, Maine Department of Education staff, and members of professional education organizations and the business community. The 2012 Maine Teacher of the Year will be announced at a surprise all-school assembly in September.

The 2012 Maine Teacher of the Year will be the 47th educator to receive the honor.

All 10 nominees were honored last Wednesday in the Statehouse Hall of Flags at a ceremony attended by Education Commissioner Stephen Bowen.

Hannaford Supermarkets underwrites the cost of the Maine Teacher of the Year program. Starting with the 2012 Teacher of the Year, Bangor Savings Bank will reimburse the winner’s school district for the cost of substitutes while the Teacher of the Year is out of the classroom on official duties. The program is coordinated by the Maine Department of Education and supported by the Maine State Board of Education and the Maine State Teacher of the Year Association.

The six semi-finalists are: Tim Eisenhart, Westbrook High School; Paige Fournier, Lyman Moore Middle School, Portland; Alana Margeson, Caribou High School; Jolene Randall, Tripp Middle School, Turner; Meghan Schall, George B. Weatherbee School, Hampden; and Ingrid Stressenger, Pond Cove Elementary School, Cape Elizabeth.

Additional information regarding the statewide contest can be found by visiting