Caribou recreation news

13 years ago

Fall outings for adults and seniors

New this fall are outings geared towards adults and seniors. A flyer with the full list of trips being offered is available at the Caribou Wellness and Recreation Center. Below is a list of some of the outings being offered. On Oct. 25 there will be a guided Christmas tree tagging for ages 55 and older and on Oct. 27 there will be a guided art exhibit and planetarium tour, again for ages 55 and older. Pre-registration is required for these trips. FMI call 493-4224.

Volunteers sought

The Caribou Parks and Recreation Department is currently seeking volunteers to assist with the annual Halloween Party slated for Monday, Oct. 31. parks and recreation officials are seeking individuals, businesses or organizations that would be interested in providing a game or activity during the two-hour event. Inquiries should be made at the Caribou Parks and Recreation office at 493-4224.

Walking hours

Starting Oct. 1 the walking hours at the Caribou Wellness and Recreation Center are Monday through Friday 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. and Saturdays 12 noon – 4 p.m.

Men’s basketball league organizational meeting

There will be an organizational meeting for men’s basketball on Oct. 12 at 6:30 p.m. Anyone interested in having a team in the league this year must have a representative at this meeting.

Men’s 30 and over basketball

Men’s 30 and over basketball began on Oct. 11 and meets on Tuesdays from 7 – 9 a.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m. – 12 noon. The fee is $3 per player on Sundays.

Kids playgroup

The Caribou Parks and Recreation Department will provide gym space for parents and toddlers on Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. This is a self-guided program. Participants can bring toys. Please no rubber wheeled toys.