115 Years Ago: May 6, 1897
• Earl Rackliffe has received a new stock of groceries selected with special reference to the wants of the people of this section. The stock is now being opened in the York Store on Sweden Street, which has been arranged in an admirable manner for the grocery business.
• Potatoes are at 80 cents per barrel today.
• Carpenters are at work changing and improving the rooms over F.L Oak’s shoe store. The rooms will be occupied in about two weeks by Dr. G.C. Upham as a reception room and office.
• Electric lights have been added to the tenement over James Maley’s store on Sweden Street. Mr. Maley and family will occupy the rooms as soon as Mrs. Maley is able to be moved from St. Leonard, N.B.
100 Years Ago: May 2, 1912
• R.L. Pitcher and E.J. Briggs received two carloads of Maxwell automobiles last week, making a total of 39 cars of this make they have received; and they have disposed of nearly all of them.
• Hanging May Baskets is now the order for the early evening hours.
• N.A. Currier, buyer for the Pattee Co., made his second trip to the Boston and New York markets on Monday last. This goes to show that the ladies of our town are buying dry goods freely this spring.
• Linwood B. Rideout of Blaine and Evelyn S. Gallagher of Caribou were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Edgar Gary on May 1, by the Rev. J.H. Gray, the beautiful and impressive double-ring service being used.
75 Years Ago: May 6, 1937
• Chief Murray Mockler and Driver Earl Ward of the Caribou Fire Department went to Portland Friday where they placed an order for the new pumper, which was authorized in the last town meeting. Mr. Mockler feels happy over the type of engine he was enabled to purchase, and while $5,000 was appropriated for the apparatus, he was able to get just what he wanted for less than $4,000. The new truck has a three-ton chassis and it will be built up with fire fighting-equipment to the needs of the Caribou department. This consists of a 500-gallon pumper and a 100-gallon booster tank. This latter is equipped with 150 feet of hose and is used for emergency equipment. The truck is the very latest thing and will be the first streamlined fire engine north of Portland.
• Graydon Lombard has severed his connection with the Caribou Water, Light and Power Co. and has entered into partnership with Brown Brothers in their electrical contracting business.
• New Ford cars have been purchased recently by Andrew Peterson, Frank Larsson and Edie Jepson of New Sweden.
• Fritz Ullrich of New Sweden bought a Terraplane from the local dealer, C.J. Soderberg.
50 Years Ago: May 3, 1962
• A new grocery supermarket will be opened in Caribou next week when the IGA Foodliner on the Access Highway will be unveiled Wednesday morning. The ultra modern grocery outlet is located just beyond the Caribou Shopping Center. The owner of the Foodliner is Wendell H. Golding, who has operated an IGA store on Sweden Street for some years.
• Roger Blackstone of Caribou, an agriculture student at the University of Maine has been elected president of the state Future Farmers of America Chapter.
• Miss Katherine Raymond has returned to her studies at Trinity College in Washington, D.C., after spending the Easter vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Raymond.
• The first announced candidate for this year’s Miss Caribou contest is Karen Espling who will be sponsored by Graves’ Red & White Supermarket.