Hard-working families get help from Tax Assistance Program

12 years ago

Eligible taxpayers get free tax preparation

Hard-working families and individuals struggling to make ends meet shouldn’t have to pay to get their tax refund and, in Maine, they don’t — thanks to the Maine Creating Assets, Savings and Hope (CA$H) Coalition.

Locally, the Aroostook CA$H Coalition and AARP will offer free tax preparation by IRS-certified volunteer tax preparers in Presque Isle, Fort Kent, Caribou and Houlton from Feb. 2 through April 13 to anyone whose combined or individual income was under $51,000 in 2012.

“Thanks to our trained and IRS-certified crew of volunteer tax preparers our free tax services can help low-wage families keep and save more of their hard-earned money,” said Sandra Bartley, site coordinator for the Aroostook CA$H Coalition.

“The people we serve work hard but struggle to make ends meet. They are retirees, teachers, members of the military, secretaries, cashiers, students, mechanics… some are unemployed, disabled or even homeless. And, like many Mainers, they must work two or more jobs just to get by. Their tax refund is likely the largest lump sum they will receive all year. It is often their best chance to stop the cycle of debt in its tracks thanks largely to credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), worth up to $5,800 this year, depending on income and dependents,” said Bartley.

To help families make the most of their refund, volunteers also help connect people to community resources like financial literacy classes, small business workshops, family development accounts and more.  

For more information on how you can take advantage of this program and to make an appointment, call the United Way office at 764-5197.