To the editor:
Local tax dollars could be saved and efficiency improved if the Presque Isle Parks and Recreation Department and the Presque Isle Forum were combined under one administrative unit.
Presently, the Forum Department has a full-time administrative staff, vehicle, maintenance and operations’ personnel, and an advisory board. The budget for the Forum for 2006 was $387,000. The Presque Isle Parks and Recreation Department also has a full-time administrative staff, vehicles, maintenance and operations’ personnel, and an advisory board. The budget for the Parks and Recreation Department for 2006 was $569,000. With many of the activities meeting the same target population, it would be feasible, practical and fiscally responsible to merge the management, budget, and policy goals of these two city entities.
The Parks and Recreation Center’s focus is student and adult recreation and fitness, and community betterment. The Forum, too, promotes Presque Isle’s vitality through its programs. There are several other organizations and facilities in Presque Isle likewise involved in citizens’ recreation and physical fitness: UMPI, County Physical Therapy, SAD 1, NMCC and TAMC to name a few. All of these excellent facilities are needed. It would be of benefit if all of these organizations including the Forum and Presque Isle’s Parks and Recreations Department coordinate for an efficient recreation and fitness program for Presque Isle and the area.
As an initial start in attaining this goal, the Presque Isle Parks and Recreation Department and the Forum would better serve the needs of Presque Isle by coordinating the infrastructure of the currently separate units. Since the primary activity of the Forum is winter ice skating and the primary activity of the Presque Isle Parks and Recreation Program is summer youth activities, there would be an excellent opportunity to effectively and realistically coordinate these worthwhile services.
I strongly suggest that the city planners consider combining the Presque Isle Park and Recreation Department and the Presque Isle Forum under one Department.
Ray Lamoreau, member
Presque Isle Forum Advisory Board