Installation of Officers with Daughter of Isabella scheduled to take place in Caribou

11 years ago

Submitted by Dolores Martin
Holy Rosary Circle #638 Scribe

    The Daughters of Isabella held their first meeting after summer break on Sept. 3 at the parish center. Regent Gail welcomed all back after the summer vacation. Happy birthday for the month was Doris Albert, who was the recipient of a small gift. Happy birthday was sung. A 50/50 raffle in the amount of $11.50 was won by Adeline Beaulieu. Elaine Haines, past regent, led in the opening prayer, pledge of allegiance and the ode was sung.
    Draping of the charter in memory of Pat Haley was led by Regent Gail, past regent Elaine Haines and Debbie Chabre. The ode sung was “Oh, What Could My Jesus Do More.”

    Roll call of officers showed three absent.
    A letter from our international Regent Christiane Chagnon was read by Regent Gail. She stated that our coming year be filled with friendship and love and asked that all daughters work for the good of their circles. She stressed the need to increase our membership. She congratulated the new officers and told the college circles to continue in their good works.
    Next month’s meeting will be potluck.
    Four layettes were given out during the summer. It was reported that cards were sent to Lillian Keaton, Norma Shaw, Ruth Getchell, Pat Haley, Jeanne Beaulieu, Germaine Michaud, Josephine St. Peter and Delores Tardie. A 50th wedding anniversary card was sent to Theresa Wunderlich and a 90th birthday card was sent to Doris Martin. A card will be sent to Norma Bouchard.
    Vice-Regent Mary Ellen Field commented on the 40-week-club, which is starting up again. Members pay $5/month for the next eight months. Monthly drawings are held where six people receive $50 each and their names go back in. A big drawing will be held in May 2014 at the state workshop. Four prizes at $500, four at $300 and four at $100 will be awarded.
    The state officers will be here in Caribou to install the officers for Holy Rosary Circle, Santa Maria Circle of Fort Fairfield and Mary Magdalene Circle of Presque Isle on Sept. 29, 2013. Members will attend the 9 a.m. mass followed by the installation of officers. A luncheon will be served after the installation in the parish hall catered by Cindy’s Sub Shop. Holy Rosary Circle officers for the coming two-year term are: Mary Ellen Field, regent, Elaine Haines, vice-regent, Gail Hjort, past regent, Sharon Perreault, financial secretary, Bea Pirie, recording secretary, Claire Randolph, treasurer, Dolores D. Martin, scribe, Michelle Raymond, banner bearer, Adeline Beaulieu, 1st auditor, Rena Lagasse, 2nd auditor, Lue Wark, 3rd auditor, Jeanine Morneault, chancellor, Debbie Chabre, custodian, Madeline Guerrette, monitor, Jean Bushnell, 1st guide, Phyllis Belanger, 2nd guide, Josephine St. Peter, inner guard and Doris Albert, outer guard.
    Rena Lagasse received the door prize, a fresh bouquet of flowers.
    Father Rice will have a Day of Prayer and Healing Service at Holy Rosary Church on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The daughters are asked to bring sweets for this occasion.
    Regent Gail thanked the refreshment committee of Phyllis Brown, Tina Sirois and Sandi Gagnon, for this evening.
    The discount cards good until Dec. 1, 2014, are now available.