Carter retiring
At the end of this month — May — this correspondent, after many years, will be retiring!! Hopefully someone in Easton will want to take over this column; if so, please, contact the Star-Herald and talk with them. Easton should still have their news reported. For more information, contact 768-5431.
Happy Days Seniors meet
The Easton Happy Days Senior Citizens’ Club held their first meeting of the month on May 14, with nine members present.
After the potluck lunch, President Marie Hewitt opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of “America,” with Liana DeMerchant at the piano. The secretary’s report was read by Eldora Carter and accepted as read.
Joann Johnson, acting in the place of Treasurer Ida Doak, called the roll with these members present: Marie Hewitt, Eldora Carter, Edith Fuller, Liana DeMerchant, Arlene Ladner, Rowena Thomas, Rena Richardson, Ezalee Smith and Joann. She reported that the treasurer had sent a check to the Ronald McDonald House in memory of Hilda Langley and that she had purchased creamer for the kitchen.
There was no old business. Under new business, the group voted to hold only one meeting a month for the months of June, July and August. It was also voted to take a trip to a restaurant in Smyrna and a visit to the Amish store in place of the May 28 meeting if the school bus and driver were available. All Easton senior citizens are welcome on this trip. One should contact Marie Hewitt to see if these plans are solidified, if not, what date the trip would be taken.
The president also told the group that Dottie Sines of the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging would be the guest speaker on June 25, and she would be bringing different teas and explaining just what they would do for one’s health. So come to “Dottie’s Tea Party” and bring your nice china tea cup if you have one.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Clair and Eldora Carter recently returned from a long weekend in the Portland area. They made their base of visiting with their son, Dana Carter, his wife, Kimberly, and his children, Jeremy, Emily, and Molly in Scarborough.
On Saturday afternoon, they attended the memorial service for Clair’s nephew, 54-year-old John Carter, of Brunswick. The service was held in the 1st Parish Congregational Church in Brunswick. John’s father, Robert Carter, of South Berwick, gave a beautiful eulogy for his son, and three of his close friends spoke or read poems that pertained to John. They had good material as John was a jokester, a fun-loving man who enjoyed fishing and hunting with them.
John’s brother, Ronald Carter, from the Nashville area of Tennessee, was able to be there, as well as his sister and family, Diane Collins, her husband, Rick, and their sons, Corey and Dylan, all of Presque Isle. An aunt, Judy Heath, and her son, Carter Heath, of Patten, and her daughter, Lori Smallwood and Lori’s husband, Don, of Buckfield, were also present for this day.
Clair and Eldora’s sons, Dana, of Scarborough, Michael, of Portland, and Wendell, of Saco, accompanied their parents to the service.
John fought a long, hard fight against bone cancer before loosing that battle. He will be sadly missed.
Summer rec registration
The Easton Recreation Department is now accepting registrations for summer 2009. Registrations must be done in person on the following dates or you may schedule an appointment by e-mailing Hillary at Summer registration dates are as follows: Friday, May 22, from 12-2:45 p.m.; Tuesday, May 26, from 4-5:45 p.m.; and Wednesday, May 27, from 2-4:15 p.m. Summer booklets have been sent out through the schools or can be picked up at the Town Office; please, only one copy per household.
Rec schedule
Wednesday, May 20 — Junior activities (for ages 2 through school age) at the hall from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Senior exercise class starting a 1 p.m. in the manor recreation room. Please wear supportive footwear and bring a water bottle. After-school crafts at the hall until 4:15 p.m. We will be making a patriotic craft.
Thursday, May 21 — Senior trip to Covered Bridge Chip Factory and lunch at Grama’s. There is a $3 fee for the tour and participants will be responsible for their own lunch. The bus will depart from the manor at 10:15 a.m. Please remember your birth certificate and license or passport/card. Yoga class from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. at the elementary school gymnasium.
Friday, May 22 — Junior activities at the hall from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Summer registration from 12 to 2:45 p.m. at the Town Office.
Tuesday, May 26 — The seniors’ group from Washburn Recreation Department will be joining us for a picnic lunch at the hall starting at 12 p.m. Please bring a salad to share. Summer recreation registration from 4-5:45 p.m. at the Town Office.
Eldora Carter is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached at 488-5961.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
JUNIOR OLYMPICS — The Easton Recreation Department recently sent 13 athletes to the Junior Olympics Regional Competition in Old Town. Seen here after their contests are: John Anderson, Trevor Hathaway, Delia Bonner, Abby Thompson, Caitlin Monroe, Josh Peers, Cecelia Ferris, Kylee Carter, Hannah Ferris and Alex Allen. Isabelle Morin, Josh Gilman and Jake Flewelling were absent when the photo was taken. Medal winners will be named in an upcoming column.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
K-ONLY PARTICIPANTS — These youngsters (Wyatt Brewer, Kody Carter, Paul Bonner, Mitchell Flewelling, Kyla Cunningham, Quin Gillespie, Liam Maxwell and Madasyn Shorey) are part of the Easton Recreation Department’s Kindergarten Only Program.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
A pretty bridal shower was given for Danielle Dyer recently at the Easton Odd Fellow’s Hall. She is here with her ladies in waiting, from left: Andrea Day; Jennifer Plourde; the bride-to-be, Danielle; and Jonni Pitcairn. In a few days she is to be married to Derrick Cyr. They have purchased the former Paul Bradley home for their home.