Ombudsman will be missed

11 years ago

To the editor:
    The city of Caribou and the nursing homes of northern Maine lost a great man last week with the passing of Jim Moore. Some know Jim from his former military service at Loring AFB. I knew Jim as the nursing home Ombudsman.

    An Ombudsman is a government official who investigates complaints by private citizens against other officials or government agencies. In Jim’s case, he investigated complaints against nursing homes filed by their residents or their families. Jim also would visit every three months to say “hi” and see how everything was going.
    Jim was a very gentle soul, a friend and a great guy to deal with. I believe everyone in the nursing home industry of northern Maine truly enjoyed him. He always had a smile and was very fair in his dealings. He understood both sides of every situation and always remained professional. He will be missed and the Ombudsman program will be hard pressed to find someone to fill his shoes as well as he did.
Phil Cyr, administrator
Caribou Rehab
and Nursing Center