Submitted by Dolores Martin
Holy Rosary Circle #638 Scribe
The April meeting of the Holy Rosary Circle #638 Daughters of Isabella took place at the Parish center on April 1. Regent Mary Ellen welcomed everyone on this beautiful spring evening. Four birthday ladies for the month of April were present: Jeanine Morneault, Rena Legasse, Brenda Corriveau and Josephine St. Peter. Rena Legasse’s name was picked and she was the recipient of a small gift. “Happy Birthday” was sung. The 50/50 raffle in the amount of $14 was won by Nancy Saucier and she returned it to the Circle.
Opening prayer led by Chancellor Jeanine Morneault and Prayer for Vocations were said. Ode and Pledge of Allegiance were recited. Roll call of officers showed 16 present and two absent.
A letter was received for funds to help send Youth Ministry Coordinator of the Parish of the Precious Blood Corey Morin for training to Arizona this summer. It was suggested that the Circle hold a bake sale entitled, “Cooking with Corey.” After much discussion, it was moved to hold a bakeless bake sale at our May meeting, with all in favor. The Calling Committee will notify all members.
It was reported that the spaghetti supper held for the youth ministry on March 23 was enjoyed by the 66 people who attended. Nancy Saucier, chairman of the spaghetti supper had a theme of St. Patrick and the ladies helping out wore costumes and hats and the tables were all nicely decorated.
Regent Mary Ellen stated that she had received an email from Leah of the Presque Isle Circle inviting us to attend their bean supper on May 3. She will reply that we cannot attend as on May 3, Bishop Robert Deeley will be in Caribou administering the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation followed by a reception in Parish Hall; and then the evening of May 3 we will be setting up for Queen Isabella Day to be hosted in Caribou on May 4.
Regent Mary Ellen is setting up a committee. Invitations will be sent to the surrounding Circles: Madawaska, Van Buren, Fort Fairfield, Presque Isle and including our Circle.
Nancy Saucier volunteered to donate a Mother’s Day basket for Queen Isabella Day. There will be entertainment and songs and a 50/50 raffle. Regent Mary Ellen will check into prices and get back to the Calling Committee who in turn will notify the members.
Discount cards are still available. Contact any D. of I. member. Elaine was thanked for the personal notes she puts in the cards. Members of the Circle appreciate the personal touch. Regent thanked Debbie Chabre, Joan Bishop and Doris Albert for hosting the reception for Bishop Deeley on March 5. A donation of undershirts for the layettes was donated by Toni Phillips.
Obligation was taken and Closing Prayer and the song sung. Regent reminded everyone to sign the attendance and activity sheet. Regent thanked tonight’s committee for the Easter theme decorated table. Phyllis Belanger, chair, Jean Bushnell, Michelle Raymond, Brenda Corriveau and Vi Cummings helped also.
The next meeting will be a potluck supper on May 6. Bring a friend. On committee for May are: Elizabeth Beaulieu, Priscilla Foley, Peggy Winston and Johanna Beaulieu.