By Dolores Martin
Circle #638 Scribe
The Holy Rosary Circle #638 Daughters of Isabella met Nov. 4 at the parish center. Opening prayer was led by Jeanine Morneault, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Ode. Regent Mary Ellen conducted a memorial service in honor of deceased members Rossmond Morin, Delores Sperrey, Rita Hechler, Martha McCormack and Theresa Cummings. As the song “You Raise Me Up” played, candles were lit for each in memory.
Aroostook Republican photo/Natalie De La Garza
It was a very merry Christmas party for the Daughters of Isabella on Dec. 2. Pictured are, from left, front row, Claire Randolph, Sharon Perreault, Father Jean-Paul Labrie, Elaine Haines, Mary Ellen Field, Gail Hjort, Bea Pirie, Suzanne Harmon Withee and Doris Martin; second row, Eleanor Gagnon, Michelle Raymond, Elizabeth Beaulieu, Tina Sirois, Vi Cummings Sirois, Theresa Wunderlich, Josephine St. Peter, Brenda Corriveau, Phyllis Brown, Debbie Chabre, Madeline Guerrette, Jan Bushnell, Peg Winston, Rena LaGasse, Dolores Martin, Annette Harmon, Sharon Ellis, Tammy Nedeau and Adeline Beaulieu; and back row, Judy Dubois, Jeanine Morneault, Michelle Hersey, Lorraine Montieth and Rita Worley.
Roll call of officers showed five absent. Bea Pirie gave the secretary’s report for September and October. Thank-you notes were read from the Boy Scouts for our $50 donation, and from Doris Nadeau in appreciation of the prayers in the loss of her daughter.
An application for membership was received from Rita Worley. It was moved by Theresa Wunderlich and seconded by Dolores Martin to accept Rita as a new member, with all voting in favor.
A baby quilt was donated to the layette program by Debbie Chabre. Layettes will be replenished at the Christmas party where a Baby Jesus shower is held. No layettes were given out last month.
For visitation of the sick, Elaine Haines, vice regent, reported cards had been sent to Joan Bishop, Sandi Gagnon, Doris Nadeau and Fern Michaud. Cards will be sent to Judy Dubois, Iva DeVeau, Josephine St. Peter and Joan Stairs.
The Queen Isabella doll is back after being refurbished by Phyllis Belanger.
There were no winners on the 40-week club this month; a motion to participate as a circle in the club next year carried.
The 50/50 raffle in the amount of $10 was won by Theresa Wunderlich. The birthday recipient of a small gift for November was Debbie Chabre. “Happy Birthday” was sung.
Dolores Martin, chairman of the discount cards, asked members to participate in this one and only fund-raiser for the circle.
It was noted that, at the October meeting, a check for $1,000 had been presented to the pastor, Fr. Jean-Paul Labrie, towards the parish fuel fund. Father thanked the circle for their donation and for all the works they do in the parish and community. He encouraged members and families to pray the Rosary daily so their homes might become places where faith is lived.
Phyllis Belanger discussed the new blanket ministry in the parish, where 80 fleece blankets will be given out this winter season. Members voted to donate $50 towards this project.
Regent Mary Ellen reported on the initial meeting for the circle’s 75th anniversary. There are four possible dates for 2015; she will update members as plans progress.
Plans were discussed for the Dec. 2 annual Christmas party and Baby Jesus shower. Closing prayer was led by Chancellor Jeanine Morneault and the song “We’re the Daughters of Isabella” was sung. The regent thanked the refreshment committee.
The group next gathered on Dec. 2 for their Christmas party, which included a catered meal by Frederick’s Southside. Father Labrie gave the blessing. Guests in attendance included Michelle Hersey, Suzanne Harmon Withee and Rita Worley. Rita Worley will be installed as a new member in January.
The Christmas committee consisted of Mary Ellen Field, Phyllis Belanger, Jean Bushnell and Josephine St. Peter. The room was beautifully decorated with a tree and the symbols of the season.
Regent Mary Ellen conducted a short meeting, with Chancellor Jeanine Morneault leading the ode and members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Birthday people present for December were Annette Harmon, Dolores Martin and Theresa Wunderlich, who won the birthday gift. “Happy Birthday” was sung. Eleanor Gagnon won the 50/50 raffle in the amount of $30.50. Roll call of officers showed four absent.
Regent Mary Ellen read Christmas greetings from International Regent Diane Corriveau, and also informed members of the passing of Pat Adams of Brewer, former state regent, and of Richard Breton, husband of former state and international regent, Joan Breton.
Because of health issues, State Vice Regent Martha Dufour has asked Leah Girardin of St. Mary’s circle of Presque Isle to visit in January.
Phyllis Brown, on behalf of the circle, made a donation to the Parish of the Precious Blood fuel fund, and this was presented to Father Labrie.
Regent Mary Ellen has scheduled a meeting on Dec. 17 about the circle’s 75th anniversary, which will be celebrated in 2015. She will advise us as to time and place.
Mary Ellen then gave her Christmas message to the group. She said Christmas is a time that people make differences in people’s lives, and thanked the daughters for their support and making a difference in her life. She wished everyone and their families love, peace and happiness. On behalf of the circle, she presented a check to Father Labrie and gave him one to present to Father Kyle.
Father Labrie extended his Christmas message and thanked the daughters for all their support.
Vice Regent Elaine Haines presented Regent Mary Ellen with a Christmas gift.
The regent thanked Frederick’s for catering the meal, and thanked everyone for bringing gifts for the Baby Jesus shower, which replenishes layettes.
January’s committee will be Omerine Cyr, Brenda Corriveau, Jan Corriveau and Josephine St. Peter.
Following closing prayer by Jeanine Morneault, members enjoyed a gift exchange and sing-along, and door prizes were given.