County kids counted on Sheriff Madore

10 years ago

To the editor:
As the state director of Fight Crime: Invest In Kids, I would like to publicly congratulate Aroostook County Sheriff Jim Madore on his retirement, and thank him for his dedicated public service as Sheriff. I especially want to thank Sheriff Madore for his dedication to our youngest children.

From his years on the front line, Sheriff Madore understands that wise public investments in high-quality programs for Maine’s youngest children pay out the greatest benefits. Sheriff Madore has been a strong supporter of high-quality early learning programs in Maine – because his experiences have taught him that when young children participate in programs like Early Head Start, Head Start, or pre-K they are more likely to be successful academically and socially. This leads to successes throughout school and into adulthood.
He also knows that high-quality childcare is needed not only for a child’s healthy growth and development, but also so their parents can go to work without the stresses of worrying about the care their child receives.
Sheriff Madore has been a great leader for Aroostook County communities. I would like to publicly thank him for all he has done for our children.

Kim Gore, director
Fight Crime:
Invest In Kids