After a Sunday snowstorm that took the weather folks by surprise, the biggest thing on my mind is not how pretty it looks this morning with fresh snow and sun. My mind is focused on the Annual Recognition Dinner taking place on Thursday, April 16 at the Caribou Inn & Convention Center. While Betty and I finalized the menu and floor plan for the event this past Friday, the big thing, of course, is having things to recognize! We need your input!
Without limiting you to categories, what person(s), businesses or organizations should be feted? Who has made a difference in our community? What business or organization has had a great impact on what we are as an area and its people? Let us know. E-mail me at or send me a letter or call me on the phone! No matter how you want to contact me, please contact me. And do so right away! We want our awards to represent you!
Speaking of the Caribou Inn & Convention Center, did you know the business turned 21 this month? Yup, in March of 1993, Kevin Simmons purchased what was the Caribou Motor Inn and has successfully kept his business as the only full-service hotel in Caribou. Happy anniversary! And thank you for all your support.
I’d like to speak just a few words about the secession movement here in as few political words as possible. Obviously, people ask my opinion all the time and I do have a few. I will not question the motives of the organizers. But there are two things that greatly concern me. The first is that in a climate like ours with a population such as ours, there is already too much that fractures us. I do not compete with the Central Aroostook or Fort Fairfield chambers of commerce. I look for ways to cooperate for the benefit of all of us. The more we work together, the better chance we have at competing as a region. This movement fractures us further.
The second thing that concerns me is the timing. There have been many of us that have worked hard to raise the profile of where we live and work. We have worked to raise awareness and local pride in our lives here. Thursdays on Sweden and Heritage Day have done much to bring us together and give us an identity. The Sesquicentennial gave us a sense of pride of where we have been as a community. But then this comes along and makes us look like a bunch of bickering, small-town yokels and that is a giant step backwards that pains me.
Lastly, I have been to nearly all of the City Council meetings while on this job. I have watched as the city and the council have worked hard to limit any increase to the budget. I have personal knowledge of how that has affected city employees and makes many of them double up on responsibilities. And the amount the budget has increased has been really, really small. What has hurt our property tax rate is a broken promise by the State of Maine on revenue sharing, increases from County assessments and the school budget. And believe me, my property tax bill is painful, so I pay attention!
So I guess I wonder why. Anyway, that’s all I will say on the matter. I just wish we would all play in the same sandbox.
The City-Wide Yard Sale takes place on May 16 and 17. So start making your plans! In another week, you can start reserving your place on the map. The prices will stay the same as last year.
That’s it for now. For those of you who love winter sports, enjoy the fresh snow. For those of you who are aching for spring, it won’t be long now. Have a great week everyone!
Executive Director William Tasker may be reached in the CACC office at 498-6156 or email him at