Money management class will begin April 8

10 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE — Starting Wednesday, April 8, Women, Work, and Community will offer “My Money Works: Tools for Smart Money Choices,” a free four-week class to help participants gain the skills and confidence to stretch their money, pay bills, reduce debt, find money for savings, plan for retirement, and set personal financial goals.

    The class will be held on Wednesdays from 5:30-8:30 p.m., meeting for four sessions on April 8, 15, 22 and 29, in South Hall at the University of Maine at Presque Isle.
    Pre-registration is required, and there is no fee for the training. For more information or to register, contact Erica Quin-Easter at 768-9468 or email erica.quineaster The course is open to women, men, and couples of all ages and incomes. Anyone who is interested in gaining greater control over their money is welcome.  
    “Money is power,” Quin-Easter said. “Whether you are trying to make ends meet today or planning for your long-term goals, you will leave this class with a plan to achieve greater financial stability.”
    Successful completion of the “My Money Works” class also meets one of the requirements for the Rainy Day Savings program, a matched-savings program that enables individuals and families to double their savings with a matching grant of up to $300 for emergency expenses.
    After applying through WWC and saving for six months, the Rainy Day Savings can be used to pay for car repairs to a primary vehicle used for transportation to work or school; rent, mortgage, or essential utility payments in the case of job loss, reduction of hours, or short term disability; to replace or repair a household appliance that has unexpectedly malfunctioned; unexpected home repairs; unforeseen medical expenses, or other approved emergency expenses.
    “My Money Works” is offered in partnership with the Maine Department of Labor, Disability Employment Initiative, John T. Gorman Foundation, CA$H Maine, and University of Maine at Augusta. Accommodations to individuals with disabilities are available upon request.