The Daughters of Isabella met Feb. 3 at the Parish Center; the January meeting was cancelled due to weather. Jean Bushnell and Lue Wark had birthdays in January. The 50/50 raffle was won by Dolores Martin for $11.50.
Vice Regent Elaine Haines conducted the meeting as Regent Mary Ellen was ill. Two guests from the Presque Isle circle, Leah Girardin and Kim Theriault, attended.
Opening prayer was led by Jean Bushnell and the Pledge of Allegiance recited. Roll call of officers showed five absent. Secretary Bea Pirie read the November and December minutes. New member Rita Worley was voted in.
Communications included season’s greetings from Delores Tardie, a thank-you card for a layette and an annual Christmas letter from out-of-town member Sandra Snyder. Scribe Dolores Martin brought in a picture from the Aroostook Republican, taken at the Christmas party, and reported a great job by the newspaper on their write-up.
In visitation of the sick, many cards were sent out, including to Father Kyle Doustou on the loss of his grandmother and uncle, and to the family of Aurora Walsh. Sympathy cards were also sent out to the families of Kristina McEwen, Chelsea McEwen, Julie Goodale, Sharon Ellis and Ozline Fisher on the tragic death of Jordan McEwen. Prayers go out to the families. Get-well and thinking-of-you cards were sent to Debbie Chabre, Norma Shaw, Jeanne Beaulieu, Omerine Cyr and Doris Albert, and will be sent to Mary Ellen Field and Betty Boucher.
Gail Hjort reported five layettes were given out since Dec. 4. Tammy Nadeau suggested we recycle blanket and comforter bags for the layettes.
The circle has had no winners to date from the 40-week club. Two months are left before the big drawings at the May convention.
In other news, planning continues for the circle’s 75th anniversary celebration, and members congratulated Jean Bushnell on her promotion in Columbus, Ohio. She was to leave Feb. 18 and her husband will join her in May; they have put their home up for sale. Sharon Perreault graciously joined the calling committee.
Tammy Nadeau suggested notifying members of meetings via email. Cards were sent to Lucy Nelson, State Regent Jackie Dostie Smith and past State Regent Bea Dostie, Lue Wark, Josephine St. Peter, Doris Albert, Delores Tardie and Priscilla Foley.
A possible increase in dues was mentioned due to increases in per-capita costs at the state and national levels.
The circle was asked by Presque Isle Past Regent Leah Girardin to help out with complimentary bags to be distributed at the state convention.
Thanks went to the refreshment committee, Sharon Perreault, Rena LaGasse and Tammy Nadeau. A social time followed closing prayer.
The group met next on March 3, with Regent Mary Ellen Field presiding. The 50/50 in the amount of $12 was won by Lue Wark.
Opening prayer was led by Chancellor Jeanine Morneault, followed by the Pledge. New members Cindy Gagnon and Michelle Hersey were voted in and welcomed as new members, along with Rita Worley from February. The three were initiated by Mary Ellen and all members then took the Obligation.
Roll call of officers showed four absent. The minutes were read and accepted. Communications were received from Susan Palmer and Jackie Dostie-Smith, with thank-yous from Kristina McEwen, Lue Wark, the Blanket Ministry, Father Kyle Doustou, Loretta Williams, Mary Ellen Field, Josephine St. Peter and Father Jean-Paul Labrie.
Get-well cards were sent to Debbie Chabre and Fern Michaud. Doris Albert was scheduled for followup in Boston. Former member Theresa Yelitz’s memorial service was to be held in Bangor March 14.
Money was turned in for layettes and the circle had no 40-week club winners.
The circle’s 75th anniversary celebration will be held Sunday, Oct. 18, beginning with Mass at 9 a.m. with a Knights of Columbus honor guard, followed by a memorial service immediately after Mass. The celebration will move to the K of C hall, where the Knights will serve a meal. Further meetings will be held on the details; surrounding and state circle members will be included.
Mary Ellen read a letter from international. Dues are now $12.36 per person; members voted to increase local dues to $15. The international regent also called for an increase in membership and announced that the international convention for 2016 will be held in Henderson, Nevada.
A letter was also read from State Regent Jacqueline Dostie-Smith, reminding members of the state convention in Augusta May 15-17. All information must be submitted to the state by April 15. Scholarships are available from the state and local levels. The group voted to send Regent Mary Ellen as delegate and Dolores Martin as alternate. The theme basket for the convention was displayed, with the theme of gift wrapping. Tickets are available at $1 each or a book of six for $5.
Lastly, a letter has been sent to Ethan Caron, first runner-up for the 2014 circle scholarship.
Following closing prayer, social time was enjoyed. Thanks went to the committee for the St. Patrick’s-themed refreshments — Elaine Haines, Theresa Wunderlich, Donna Sturzl and Bea Pirie. Next month’s committee will be Phyllis Belanger, Dolores Martin and Bea Pirie.