On the same page as the Chamber

10 years ago

To the editor:
A couple of weeks ago, the Caribou Chamber Director commented on the community collection jars in local businesses for the benefit of Halfway Home Pet Rescue. He stated that he always deposited his leftover coffee money to our cause even though he is not fond of cats because our volunteer work is done within and for the communities in this area. I appreciated his outlook.

I don’t mind giving what I can afford for a cause when I know the funds help the helpless in our own area. All these benefit dinners and other fundraisers are for people who worked here, paid taxes here, raised families here. They would do the same for one of us. Charity should begin in your own backyard. We need to improve our corner of the world to the best of our ability. I like knowing how much of my dollar goes directly to the cause I believe in, and how little might go toward administrative expenses especially how much is for big salaries with only pennies instead of dollars going to the cause.
A friend recently asked why I mostly shop at Hannaford Shop and Save and told me of a couple of items that I could have gotten a bit cheaper at another store. “Well,” I answered, “Paradis Shop ‘n Save (and now Hannaford S&S as well as Hannaford Food Service in Portland) has always been very generous to our pet rescue. If I pay a few cents more for a can of tomatoes it is because that business’s good will is worth it to me.” I feel the same about other Caribou and central Aroostook businesses that help our animals. HHPR is very blessed with good community friends. Whether a volunteer, a business change collection site, or a financial donor this friendship is a two-way street. It is wise to shop locally.
I have always felt it important to support the current local business community. Local businesses are our city’s foundation and without them Caribou would be nothing more than a bedroom community. Yes, we need to encourage new business, but let us remember and appreciate what we already have. Think about it.
Thank you, William, for the kind words.

Norma Milton
Halfway Home Pet Rescue