To the editor:
Citizens who reside in the Lyndon Secession Territory have asked us to explain how their children will get their education. The answer to that questions is simple. They will receive exactly the same education they are receiving today. Students will attend the same schools and ride the same buses as they always have.
This is possible because public education in Limestone, Stockholm and present day Caribou is provided by Eastern Aroostook Regional School Unit 39. It is that entity that owns the schools and hires the teachers. The future town of Lyndon will become the fourth municipality served by RSU 39.
We have spoken to the new superintendent of RSU 39, Mr. Timothy Doak, and confirming that it would be his wishes that such a smooth transition as Lyndon is contemplating would happen. Superintendent Doak also informed us that the State Department of Education was also inclined to approve such a transition.
The cost to educate our children is currently shared by the State of Maine and the participating municipalities of the RSU. For students who reside in the territory, the Secession Committee has already determined that, based on present property valuations, sufficient tax revenue will be available to the town of Lyndon to pay for the education of our children as well as the other expenses associated with providing governmental services to its citizens. And we intend to do it all for a mil rate of about 15.9, which is approximately 30 percent less than the mil rate levied upon us by the city of Caribou.
The following illustration demonstrates the savings that Secession Territory taxpayers are likely to receive. If your current net assessment for tax purposes is $150,000, you will have to pay the city of Caribou $3,369 for the tax year of 2015. That amount is calculated using their mil rate of 22.46.
If the town of Lyndon was in existence, your tax bill based upon a mil rate of 15.9, would be $2,385. That represents a significant annual savings of $984! For parents with young children in school, that money could be invested into Maine’s 529 College Savings Plan. For those of you with no children in school, that yearly savings could be invested into an IRA or 401-K retirement account. And if you’re a senior citizen and you have already retired, you will be better able to afford the necessities of life like heat for your home or drugs prescribed by your doctor.
The future town of Lyndon will be dedicated to achieving a better life experience through smaller, more cost efficient government. Please stand with us to make Lyndon a reality. The Secession Committee has said from the beginning that taxes in Caribou are much higher than they need to be and with your help we will prove it.