CARIBOU, Maine — City Council voted against enforcing a two-hour parking restriction on Grange Street during their March 28, 2016 meeting.
Additionally, Councilor David Martin motioned to hold a public hearing regarding two-hour parking restrictions on Stevens and Prospect streets. Councilor Jody Smith suggested including Hatch Drive to the hearing agenda as well.
After a brief discussion regarding the ordinance, it was agreed that the public hearing would be held during the next City Council meeting on Monday, April 11 at 6 p.m..
Community member Miles Williams spoke up during the public comment portion of the meeting to voice his concerns for these regulations.
“I wanted to bring up a couple points as you decide what to do about the downtown parking issue,” said Williams. “Why should we burden downtown businesses with the extra problem of having their employees move their cars every couple hours. They find no problem with the parking downtown. I think if we spend as much energy trying to fill the buildings down there as we are trying to decide what to do with the parking space, then I think it would be much better spent.”