ATV ‘trails’
The Washburn Beavers ATV Club will be holding their annual meeting on Wednesday, April 4, at their new clubhouse located on Gould Street, behind the Washburn Food Mart.
The evening starts out with a free spaghetti supper starting at 6 p.m., with the meeting to follow at 6:30 p.m. Officer positions available are president, vice president, trail master, assistant trail master, secretary, treasurer and safety officer. The public is welcome to attend the meeting and new members are welcome. For anyone wishing to become a member of the ATV club or needing to renew their membership for the 2007 riding season, forms will be available at the meeting. They are also available from any member or you may request a form to be e-mailed to them at
For those wishing any further information, please contact current club President Shawn Dube or the current club Secretary Lynn Dube at 493-7770 or via e-mail at
The Washburn Beaver’s ATV Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the new clubhouse.
Birthdays and anniversaries
Birthday wishes go out to: Jennica Harris, Sal Viola, Arnie Devoe, Josh Clayton, Stephanie Silver, Stewart White, Josh Connolly, Bern Rossignol, Vickie Woodbrey, Rachel Dow, Breanna Beaulieu, Alice Doody, Candy Libby, Faye Wardwell, Joann Powell, Kevin Clayton, Timothy Strid, James McBreairty, Scott Olson, Tricia Silver, Jimmy Vaughn, James Sargent, Melanie Regan, April Fox, Scott Clark, William Plummer, Jeff Nadeau, Kirsten Haley, Bill Belk and Arline Akerson.
Anniversary wishes go out to: Dick and Donna Worster, Doug and Trina Everett, Calvin and Faye Wardwell and Ray and Linda Dahlgren.
Ms. Washburn Pageant
Plan on being at the Washburn District High School on Saturday, March 31, starting at 7 p.m. The six contestants include: Matt Connolly, Justin Dickinson, Steve Pesut, John Silber, Adam Thompson and Troy Wilcox.
The evening will be a busy one with plenty of audience participation including voting for the People’s Choice award at $1 per vote. There will be a 50/50 drawing and plenty of door prizes drawn throughout the evening.
The pageant will include an opening dance routine along with individual talent displays, brief biographies and sportswear showing. There will also be a question and answer segment during the formal wear portion of the event.
This is an important fund-raiser for the class of 2007 graduation activities, and they thank folks in advance for their participation and support in this event. Tickets will be available at the door.
Washburn municipal news
The Washburn Municipal Elections were held on Monday, March 19, and Keith Brown was elected for a three-year term to the Washburn Town Council. Elected to the SAD 45 School Board of Directors for three-year terms were Greg Doak and Allison Bragdon.
The Washburn Annual Town Meeting was held on Tuesday, March 20, with approximately 36 residents attending. Fred Flewelling was elected moderator and he swore in Beverly Turner as Washburn town clerk.
All Articles of the Warrant with the exception of Article 34, were accepted and passed by the voters present. Article 34, listed as a Land Use Ordinance, was voted down due to wording of the title. The process will restart and includes a review of the ordinance, a public hearing and a town vote to be held at a special town meeting.
Following the town meeting, the Town Council met to make annual appointments including Council Chairman Jeff Wark, Council Vice Chairman Mike Umphrey, Council Secretary Kermit Fuller, Town Clerk Beverly Turner, Deputy Clerk Anne Carter, Town Manager Andrea Powers, Police Chief Doug Conroy, Code Enforcement Officer Adam Doody, Fire Chief Arnie Devoe and Assistant Fire Chief Troy Heald. The Council also welcomed Keith Brown on board. The next scheduled meeting of the Washburn Town Council is set for Monday, April 9, at 7 p.m. at the Washburn Civic Center.
The Town of Washburn will be accepting applications for a part-time clerk. Anyone wishing to apply may contact the Town Office in person or by phoning 455-8485 during regular business hours from 7 to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Perham notes
The Perham Planning Board is looking for new members on a Grant Writing Committee. All you need to be eligible is to be a Perham resident and have an interest in enhancing your community. This grant will be concerning some issues on the Salmon Brook bog. The group will be meeting at the Perham Town Office on Tuesday, April 3, at 7 p.m. For further information, please contact Board Secretary Debra Viola, 498-3433.
Perham voting results include Elwood “Woody” Doody being re-elected for a three-year term on the Board of Selectmen. The Perham Annual Town Meeting was held the next night, with approximately 35 residents attending and all warrant items were passed.
Wade news
Wade held their annual town meeting with approximately 43 residents attending. The election for a member to the SAD 45 school board was inadvertently omitted from the warrant, and a vote will take place within the next week at a special town meeting. Running for the seat are Freeman Corey and Mike McIntosh.
George Howe was elected to a two-year term as wood and bark surveyor and Donna Turner remains in her position as treasurer. Jana Ketch was elected as town clerk and Andy White was re-elected as selectman. The current selectmen are Andy White, Andrew Turner and Nelson Ketch.
Wade also voted to pay the town of Washburn to do Wade’s motor vehicle registrations and excise taxes. The residents also voted not to pass the Natural Resource Ordinance and the Natural Resources Account.
Rec Center schedule
There will be cross country skiing on Wednesday, March 28, from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m.
On Thursday, March 29, there will be indoor doccer at the elementary school. Grades 5-6 play from 5 to 6 p.m. and grades 7-8 play from 7 to 8 p.m.
There will be a movie at the Rec Center for hrades K-4 from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 30.
On Monday, April 2, there will be cross country skiing from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m. There will also be men’s basketball from 6:30-9 p.m.
On Tuesday, April 3, there will be indoor soccer for grades 3-4 from 6 to 7 p.m.
Trail Runner ‘tracks’
The Stew Nights held each Friday night and Breakfasts on Saturdays and Sundays at the clubhouse will be going on a week by week basis now that the snowmobile season is nearing an end. For information, contact Mary Jane Sperrey at 455-4765.
The week-to-week basis also applies to the country music nights after the supper hour, and dance/music night plans are in the works. For further information, contact Warner Archer, 455-4370.
TOPS meet each Monday at the clubhouse. For further information, contact Birdina Cochran at 455-8353.
There is Bingo each Tuesday evening at 7 p.m.
Washburn’s Paul Clayton and Friends will be playing Country Music at the K of C building on Saturday, March 31.
There will be an August Festival meeting on Wednesday, April 4, at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Center.
Boy Scout notes
Members of Washburn Boy Scout Troop 177 took part in a Winterama on Saturday and Sunday, March 10 and 11. The event was held at UMPI and included troops from several area towns in Aroostook. The events included skill games, a Klondike Derby, a snowshoe race, fire building skills, shelter building, knot tying and orienteering skills. The Washburn boys competed with the other troops on these skills. They used the Klondike sled that they pulled from station to station to complete the events and received the Polar Dome Award for their shelter.
They slept overnight in this shelter and found it “super warm” with all the boys, their sleeping bags and some hay on the snow floor. They cooked their supper – a one-pot meal featuring macaroni, ham, cheese and vegetables – and had hot chocolate, making a nice warm supper.
After the events, UMPI officials opened the swimming pool, the climbing wall and the gymnasium for the Scouts to use for the evening. It was also a lucky night for them, as this was the homecoming night for the 152nd Nation Guard. The Scouts lined the roadway by the college with troop and American flags to welcome home the happy guardsmen.
Scouts attending included: Taylor Skinner, Steven Kinney, Josh Flagg, Nick Gumprecht, Bryan Schurman, Keegan Page, Andrew White Jr., Curtis Thompson and David Roy along with Leader Ron Rand and Scoutmaster Larry Harrison. Not getting in the group picture were Assistant Scout Leaders Greg Page and Mike Thompson.
Members of Washburn Boy Scout Troop 177 will be holding their annual Bean Supper at the Washburn Civic Center on Saturday, March 31, from 4 to 6 p.m. Tickets are $5 for adults, $3 for ages 12 and under and $15 for immediate family tickets.
The menu will include beans, cole slaw, salad, rolls, desserts and coffee. The proceeds will go to Troop 177 for their troop activities.
Florida tourists
Larry Harrison, his mother Lorraine Harrison and his Aunt Teena Chase of Madawaska Lake traveled to Florida for a great two-week visit. Several of Lorraine Harrison’s family were visiting Florida as well and they all got together over the two weeks, attending the Aroostook ‘Swedish’ reunion. They also attended the Florida Strawberry Festival and a Ray Price Show along, with visiting other local attractions and events. They also had a brief visit with Ansel Carlstrom.
While visiting Larry’s Uncle Elmer Gunnerson, at his home in Winter Haven, Fla., Larry spent a day with an old friend from Washburn, Steve Corey, who now lives in Clearwater, Fla. Steve is the son of Harold Corey, of Washburn. The two reminisced of the old times in Washburn and their escapades as youth. They were childhood chums and once, over 30 years ago, the pair made a cross-country trek to California in Larry’s Super Beetle Volkswagen. Larry was stationed at Travis Air Force Base and Steve’s Uncle lived in nearby Lodi, Cali.
Steve took Larry and his cousin Kirk Gunnerson to the Clearwater Beach for lunch at a beach-side open-air restaurant and after spent some time with Steve’s wife Jennet and sons Andrew and Michael.
The family was able to take in a lot of sunshine and enjoy the fresh oranges and grapefruit. The trip provided for an excellent break in the long winter, but the winter shock brought them back to reality as they stepped off the plane in Bangor during the coldest, windiest day in March.
Library bookmarks
The drawing for the beautiful quilt made and donated by Carolyn Hayden was drawn on Saturday, March 17, by Washburn Town Manager Andrea Powers. The winning ticket was purchased by Charlotte Griffin. Thanks goes out for those who participated in this fund-raising event.
The Washburn Memorial Library will be starting several new groups after school to be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
The first half hour will be homework time or the students may read a book of their choice. The rest of the program will feature a variety of events ranging from crafts, cooking, games and much more.
The Women, Work and Community Group will meet at the Washburn Library from 9 to 11 a.m. on Wednesday, March 28.
SAD 45 School Board
SAD 45 School Board will meet Monday, April 2, at 7 p.m. at the Washburn Elementary School.