To the editor:
Sen. Susan Collins’ repudiation of Donald Trump may be the spike through the heart of Trump’s electability. This terrifies me, although many see it differently. As questionable as Trump is, I see Hillary Clinton as unquestionably worse and a serious danger to the future of our country.
She has a time-proven record of dishonesty augmented by, at best, poor, poor judgement or, at worst, ineptitude in dealing with factors under her control while in government positions of responsibility.
Trump has a tongue that needs tethering. Even given that and whatever other risks come with him, he has no governmental baggage of ineptness. Yes, it is taking a chance with him. With Clinton it is not a chance, it is certainty of poor leadership based on her known performance.
Collins could have kept her thoughts, feelings and convictions internal to herself and just not voted for Trump. It is almost certain she will drag an unknown number of voters against Trump with her by her public statement.
She obviously believes Clinton will be the better president by her actions. I find that sad and a monstrous mistake.