RALEIGH, N.C. — American Agri-Women ( AAW) elected officers and launched its educational campaign AgDay365 at its annual convention, held in November in Raleigh, N.C.
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American Agri-Women officers for 2017 are, from left, vice president of education, Jean Goslin of Dwight, Kan.; past president, Sue McCrum of Mars Hill; president, Doris Mold of St. Paul, Minn., and Cumberland, Wis.; first vice president of resolutions and vital issues, Heather Hampton-Knodle of Fillmore, Ill.; vice president of communications, Jane Marshall of Eaton, Ohio; and treasurer, Denise Gentsch of Austin, Texas. Absent from photo is secretary, Kristi Bishop of Stillwater, Okla. |
Among the officers for the coming year is Sue McCrum of Mars Hill, a member of Maine Agri-Women, who served as president for the past two years and will remain on the board as past president for 2017.
Joining McCrum as AAW’s national officers for 2016-2017 are: president, Doris Mold of St. Paul, Minn., and Cumberland, Wis.; first vice president of resolutions and vital issues, Heather Hampton-Knodle of Fillmore, Ill.; vice president of communications, Jane Marshall of Eaton, Ohio; vice president of education, Jean Goslin of Dwight, Kan.; secretary, Kristi Bishop of Stillwater, Okla.; and treasurer, Denise Gentsch of Austin, Texas.
AAW is the nation’s largest coalition of farm, ranch and agribusiness women representing more than 50 state, commodity and agribusiness affiliates. The 41st annual convention’s theme was “A Force for Truth,” and was held with the support of North Carolina Agri-Women.
AgDay365 is a yearlong education and advocacy campaign to show that everyone is part of agriculture, every day, and to raise awareness about who produces our nation’s abundant food, fiber and energy supply.
The organization also awarded Warren E. Clark of CCI Marketing with the VERITAS Award for his communication service support.
AAW President Doris Mold recognized AAW members Deb Whalen of Oklee, Minn., a member of Minnesota Agri-Women, and Kimmi Lewis of LaJunta, Colo., a member of Colorado Agri-Women, with LEAVEN Awards, the organization’s highest honor for members.
During last year’s national convention, held in Portland, McCrum received the 2016 LEAVEN Award, which stands for the qualities of loyalty, enthusiasm, anticipatory, valiant, effectiveness and nurturing.