Several ways to report sports results to the newspaper

16 years ago

    With the fall sports season now in full swing, the newspaper is asking the help of all of its coaches in reporting results in a timely manner. When possible, the newspaper requests that coaches or managers send in their results as soon as the game has finished.     The newspaper strives for excellence in its reporting. With so many games scheduled on any given day, it is impossible to attend every game in person. Therefore, we rely on the efforts of our coaches to send in results so that local teams get the coverage they deserve.
    For soccer, the newspaper requests that coaches report the following information: final score; who scored goals for both teams, including players first and last names; who had assists for both teams; how many saves each goalie had; how many each team had; and how many corner kicks each team had. If possible, the times of each goal and a brief description of the goal would be helpful.
    For golf, the team scores and individual results for golfers should be reported.
    There are a variety of ways to report results to the newspaper. Game information can be emailed to Sports Editor Joseph Cyr at; phoned in to The Star-Herald (768-5431); score sheets may also be faxed to 764-7585.