Project Graduation news
This will be a busy year for the high school senior class, and they have big plans for their graduation trip which includes a Boston tour and a trip to Six Flags. They are starting their fund-raising early, and an introductory/planning meeting will be held at the Swimm residence at 1236 Main St., Washburn, on Monday, Aug. 31, at 6:30 p.m.
All parents of seniors and other interested parties are urged to attend to form the 2010 Project Graduation Committee and bring along their ideas for any events to help the students out. There will be light refreshments served. For further information, please contact Laurie Swimm at 455-4633.
A special first birthday wish goes out to Jenesa Ingraham. Others celebrating birthdays this week include: Katie Mae Powers, Kevin Kidney, Charity Hebert, Martha Bouchey, Doug Drost, Sam Ingersol, Sandy Buckingham, Burton Kierstead, Caleb Gordon, Justin Farley, Tiffany Bragg, Tiffany Carter, Kevin Tompkins, Lionel LaPlante, Tony Creasey, Atwood Sperrey, Mabel Brown, Nolan Cunningham, Angelia Burchett, Kitty Cunningham, Herschell Conley, Dan Robertson, Victoria Levesque and Jennifer Olson.
Anniversary wishes go out to: Joe and Germaine Whitten, Dale and Cindi Turner, Galen and Carol Doody, Mike and Peggy Kelley, Mike and Nola Amero, Loren and Judy Johnson, Tom and Bette Olson and Rodney and Shelley Chavez.
TOPS, (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), holds their regular meetings each Monday at the Washburn Trailrunners clubhouse, starting with weigh-in at 4:15 and a meeting to follow from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and new members are always welcome.
The Washburn Soup Kitchen schedule includes regular meals on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday, served from 3 to 5 p.m. The kitchen also does up food boxes during regular hours and a special senior citizens’ meal is served the second Friday of each month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Salmon Brook Historical Society museum summer hours are Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m., and Wednesdays, from 8 to 11 a.m. To arrange for tours at other times, please call 455-8279. The Society will be holding their quarterly meeting on Thursday, Sept. 24, at the Civic Center at 6 p.m. There will be a potluck supper followed by a business meeting. Please bring a main dish or dessert and a place setting.
Please keep in mind that there is information available at the Washburn Town Office for Property Tax and Rent Refund. Booklets and applications may be downloaded from the Maine Revenue Services Web site at www. or anyone wishing to have a booklet mailed to them may phone 624-7894 and leave them a message with your name and mailing address. You may also mail your request to: Maine Revenue Services, SHS 24, Augusta, ME 04333-0024.
Washburn Beavers’ ATV Club meets Sept. 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse on Gould St.
Library Cook-Book “marks”
The Washburn Memorial Library is making up a special cookbook as a fund-raiser for a Gates computer. This will be a keepsake cookbook featuring recipes from “chefs” in the towns of Washburn, Wade and Perham.
Family recipes, unusual recipes, new ideas for cooking traditional and old recipes are all more than welcome. Chapters will include casseroles, desserts, main dishes, jellies, jams and candies, and even home remedies — old or new. Be sure and include names with your submissions— yep, even great grandma’s.
The cookbooks will be ordered as soon as enough recipes are received by the library. For more information, feel free to call the library at 455-4814. The hours are Monday and Wednesday from 1 to 7 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from noon to 4:30 p.m.
Flag Retirement Ceremony
Members of Washburn Boy Scout Troop 177, Washburn’s Dow Post 48 of the American Legion and the Washburn unit of Rotary International combined forces to hold a most impressive Flag Retirement Ceremony.
The program was conducted with the assistance of American Legion Commander Kermit Fuller, Vice Commander Willie Drost and Scoutmaster/Legion Member Larry Harrison. Each individual flag that was deemed unserviceable due to being flown in tribute honoring the memory of soldiers, sailors and airmen, was presented by the Boy Scouts to Legion members for disposal by fire.
This honorable and respective service was opened by prayer given by Chaplain Sue Brown and “Taps” were played by Boy Scout Taylor Skinner and Scout leader and Rotarian Keith Brown.
Those attending this third annual service included grandparents, parents former and current servicemen, and veterans’ wives; and one of the younger Scouts deemed that “Troop 177 was the best troop in the world.”
The service was preceded by a hotdog roast including sodas and chips provided by the Washburn Rotary Club.
August Festival results
Chairmen of the various August Festival activities are asked to send their winning results to Christie Cochran at for inclusion in the Washburn news column. Thank you.
Tractor Pull results
The Northern Maine Antique Tractor Club has released the pulling results for the Washburn event held during the August Festival. Winners are as follows:
• 2000-lb. Class— 1st Dennis Quint, Monticello, John Deere L, 248.0; and 2nd Meredith Folsom, Monticello, Farmall Cub, 232.0;
• 3000-lb. Class — 1st Dennis Quint, Monticello, John Deere 320, 270.10; 2nd Meredith Folsom, Monticello, Farmall B, 257.9; and 3rd Tami Kilcollins, Fort Fairfield, Ford 8N;
• 4000-lb. Class — 1st Roger Quint, Hodgdon, Farmall H-176.7; 2nd Kris Watson, New Limerick, Allis Chalmers W-C, 146.8; and 3rd Phil Kilcollins, Fort Fairfield, Farmall Super C, 137.11;
• 5000-lb. Class — 1st Keith Kingsbury, Bridgewater, Oliver 70, 213.10; 2nd Larry Bull, Washburn, Farmall Super H, 203.7; and 3rd Roger Quint, John Deere 50, 181.3;
• 6000-lb. Class — 1st Lynn York, Medway, Cockshutt 40, 147.9; 2nd Bill Fitzherbert, Washburn, Oliver Row Crop 88, 132.8; and 3rd Rodney Brewer, Bridgewater, Oliver Super 88, 120.3;
• 7000-lb. Class — 1st Tami Kilcollins, Fort Fairfield, Farmall Super M, 168.3; 2nd Keith Kingsbury, Bridgewater, Farmall Super M, 167.9; and 3rd Arthur York, Medway, Cockshutt 50, 162.0;
• 2500-lb. Class — 1st Meredith Folsom, Monticello, Farmall B, 207.11; 2nd Logan Brewer, Bridgewater, Oliver 66, 207.9; and 3rd Dennis Quint, Monticello, Cockshutt 20, 202.8;
• 3500-lb. Class — 1st Phil Kilcollins, Fort Fairfield, Farmall Super C, 196.6; 2nd Kris Watson, New Limerick, Allis Chalmers W-C, 184.8; and 3rd Richard Carter, Castle Hill, Ford NAA, 177.4;
• 4500-lb. Class — 1st Roger Quint, Hodgdon, Farmall H, 200.0; 2nd Logan Brewer, Bridgewater, Oliver 70, 184.5; and 3rd Norman LaJoie, Cyr Plantation, Farmall F-20, 164.4;
• 5500-lb. Class — 1st Rodney Brewer, Bridgewater, Oliver Super 88, 146.4; 2nd Larry Bull, Washburn, Oliver Super 77, 137.1; and 3rd Perlin Bull, Washburn, Oliver Super 77, 123.1;
• 6500-lb. Class — 1st Lynn York, Medway, Cockshutt 40, 180.6; 2nd Logan Brewer, Bridgewater, Oliver Super 88, 178.8; and 3rd Bill Fitzherbert, Washburn, Oliver Row Crop 88, 160.4;
• 7500-lb. Class — 1st Arthur York, Medway, Cockshutt 50, 199.5; 2nd Tami Kilcollins, Fort Fairfield, Farmall Super M, 198.3; and 3rd Logan Brewer, Bridgewater, Farmall Super M, 182.0;
• Open Class — 1st Phil Kilcollins, Fort Fairfield, Farmall Super M, 233.5; 2nd Bill Fitzherbert, Washburn, Farmall Super M, 193.8; and 3rd James Pelletier, Frenchville, Farmall 400, 156.3; and
• Youth Class — 1st Logan Brewer, Bridgewater, Oliver 70, 135.10; 2nd Zachary Dow, Mapleton, John Deere A, 126.2; and 3rd Abram Dow, Mapleton, John Deere A, 110.0.
Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or
Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson
PARTICIPANTS IN THE BABY PARADE during the Washburn August Festival, from the left: Declan Miller, Smallest; Ainsley Caron, Most Decorative; Grant Caron, Sportiest; Caleb Green, Funniest; Lanie Green; Douglas Conroy; and Jillian Zeigler, Most Original and Best Overall.
Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson
WINNERS in the 6 – 7 year old category of the bike competition were: Valerie Bragg, Smallest Bike; and Madison Zeigler, Best Overall Bike.
Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson
WINNING THE BIKE PARADE in the 8 – 9 year old category during the Washburn August Festival are, from the left: Stephey Conroy, Sportiest Bike; Alyssa Dennett, Most Decorative Bike; and Dianna Poulin, Funniest Bike.
Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson
FLAGS RETIRED — Those taking part in a recent flag retirement ceremony included — Boy Scouts and Leaders: Adam Wilcox, Randy Thompson, Ron Wilcox, Larry Harrison, Michael Thompson, Pam Wilcox, Curtis Thompson, Greg Page, Parker Thompson, Cody Brissette, Taylor Skinner, Keagan Page, Brandon Cropley, Stacey Skinner, Drew White, Chris Hartman, Keith Brown and Tyler Jardine. Rotarians: Kermit Fuller, Barbara Turner, Stuart Turner, Keith Brown, Mike Umphrey, Charlotte Griffin and Steve Boddy. American Legion members: Chaplain Sue Brown, Commander Kermit Fuller, Vice Commander Willie Drost, Larry Harrison, Allen Dahlgren, John Churchill, Dale Whitten, Kathy Philbrook, Bob Brown and Bud Umphrey.
THE CLIMBING WALL was a kid-friendly event operated by National Guardsman Danny Churchill shown here with Desirae Belanger. Desirae’s sister, Anna, also climbed the wall during the day’s event.
WASHBURN’S FIRST FIRE TRUCK, a 1926 is part of the parade once again and is proudly driven by Firefighter Kevin Goodine and joined by his wife Cindy and grand daughter Keegan Goodine.
VALERIE BRAGG took the second-place prize in the Bike Parade, and noted that “it wasn’t even my bike, but I was driving it!”
DOROTHY AND ATWOOD SPERREY “toured” along the Washburn parade route in a 1922 Ford owned and operated by Armand Godin Sr., joined by passenger Archie Godin. They used the Festival theme — sort of — “There’s No Place Like Home, then adding “except Grandma and Grandpa’s house!”
ENJOYING THE BOUNCE Obstacle Course at the Washburn August Festival on Saturday, Aug. 15, was William Tarbox.