Stories by Anthony Brino

6 years ago

Aroostook Agency on Aging moving to new space

The Aroostook Agency on Aging will be starting the year 2019 in new headquarters at a larger space on Main Street in Presque Isle, with plans for new programs and technology that will boost its mission of helping older people live well and independently.

6 years ago

Maine legislators choose Rep. Stewart as Republican whip

House Rep. Trey Stewart, R-Presque Isle, will be serving as assistant minority leader in the Maine Legislature over the next two years and plans to collaborate across the political spectrum to address problems affecting northern Maine.

6 years ago

County Faces: Don Hanson of Washburn

Don Hanson has been teaching industrial arts at Washburn High School for a decade, long enough that some of his former students are now having kids of their own and commissioning projects for their families.