Stories by Joshua Archer

7 years ago

A smarter home could save owner money

A trend that’s caught fire is transforming residences into smart homes where a homeowner can control almost anything and everything in the building with a touch of a button and save some cash, too.

7 years ago

County Face: Floyd Rockholt

Floyd Rockholt isn’t a County native, but for over three decades he’s paid his dues and has become a staple in the community.

7 years ago

Runners show their true colors at 5th annual Color PI 5K

The Star City was a little more colorful on Saturday, Aug. 26, as white clad runners sprinted from Riverside Park to the University of Maine Presque Isle and back while taking fistfuls of color powder to the face and body, returning to the finish line looking as though they were mauled by a rainbow.

7 years ago

Balloon fest still a blast despite winds

Open spaces and welcoming landowners are among the reasons hot-air balloon pilots say they love flying in The County, and though some launches were canceled due to wind conditions there were plenty of chances to fly local skies.

7 years ago

Moose hit and run in Easton

Maine game wardens on Friday, Aug. 25, investigated a hit-and-run accident in which a young moose was struck.