Stories by John Holyoke

6 years ago

Maine DIF&W rolls out new online game registration

Back in September, wildlife biologist Randy Cross shared some information about the new online game registration system being rolled out by his employer, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

6 years ago

Moose season starts Monday. Here’s what you need to know.

After record-breaking heat over the summer, and with the memory of a sun-drenched September moose season a year ago still fresh in biologists’ minds, it appears that this year’s moose hunt will begin with more traditional late-September conditions.

6 years ago

Maine guide shares a boatload of adventures in new book

Spend a bit of time sharing a boat with a registered Maine guide, and you’re apt to learn all kinds of things about life, nature and other assorted topics. And the more familiar you become with that guide — after a few years of visiting the same lodge, for instance — the more likely it is that conversations will roam to subjects you never expected