County Politics

6 years ago

Who gave big bucks to Janet Mills’ inaugural and transition teams

Good morning from Augusta. Gov. Janet Mills hauled in nearly $277,000 in donations to her inaugural and transition efforts by late December, with 80 percent from corporate donors and most of it from the marijuana, financial, casino, lobbying, paper and energy industries.

6 years ago

Mills signs order to expand Medicaid in Maine

Before the end of her first day in office on Thursday, Gov. Janet Mills signed an executive order directing the Maine Department of Health and Human Services to “swiftly and efficiently” begin implementing voter-approved Medicaid expansion.

6 years ago

What to expect as Maine swears in a new governor

Good day from Augusta. Gov.-elect Janet Mills was moving into the Blaine House this weekend. She will take the oath of office to succeed Gov. Paul LePage this evening before delivering an inaugural address that she has only dropped scant hints on so far.