The rain, the woods and other things
Yesterday we had what I would have to say was the worst weather we have had in a decade — rain, wind and lots of leaves blowing everywhere.
Yesterday we had what I would have to say was the worst weather we have had in a decade — rain, wind and lots of leaves blowing everywhere.
Shortly after President George W. Bush signed the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
With the winter season bearing down on us, I thought it would be a good time to talk about the various types of weather alerts you may come across.
If you happen to be among a group of several partridge hunters and want to really stir up the discussion, ask, “What’s the best grouse gun?”
My toaster wore out; no, it broke, a few weeks ago. I donated it and they could sell it for junk metal. It’s nice to have the space clear on the cupboard counter.
A couple of years ago, one of my most valued staff members retired after more than 30 years of public service.
A couple years after we moved to Presque Isle, our neighbor in back of us began working his garden spot.
An earworm is the name given to that little bit of music that the mind plays with as other work needs to get done.
Funeral home records are one of the resources that many genealogists know exist, but few family hunters have used them.