
5 years ago

All in a name

In the last column I discussed tips for locating the surnames of female ancestors. This can often be a difficult and long task. 

5 years ago

Record cold, blocked doors and slippery roads

Ever since that record-tying 68 on the first of November, which I wrote about in my last column, we’ve been burning a lot of fuel. Through midnight on the 18th, Caribou’s heating degree days were about 5 percent higher than last November, which was itself a colder-than-normal month.

5 years ago

Look out for each other as the weather gets colder

I, like any good County resident, have a love for snow in my veins. Enduring the winter here bonds us, creates a stronger community and makes summer that much sweeter. County folk are proud to be self-reliant, independent people; people who don’t think twice about a winter storm.

5 years ago

Three cheers to our local soccer teams

The resolve and work ethic of Aroostook County residents is well-known throughout the state. It is something of a badge of honor to say you hail from “The County” when speaking with people downstate.