Why you should give old-style wet fly fishing a try
Larger and sleeker than dry flies, yet smaller and more intricately colored than many streamer flies, this style of trout fly comes from a fishing heritage that is centuries old.
Larger and sleeker than dry flies, yet smaller and more intricately colored than many streamer flies, this style of trout fly comes from a fishing heritage that is centuries old.
The names of those who were successful in getting a Maine moose hunting permit through the state’s lottery were read one at a time Saturday afternoon in Riverside Park in Fort Kent.
Ploye Festival revelers had begun Friday with kids games involving ployes — Acadian flatbreads made of buckwheat — and the cooking of the world’s largest ploye that night.
The 2024 moose lottery will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. at Fort Kent’s Riverside Park Pavilion this Saturday, June 15. Hopeful applicants and other outdoor enthusiasts and family members can attend the drawing as well as experience a full day of outdoor-oriented fun. Activities will be ongoing throughout the day on the grounds […]
The young hunters were amazed and relieved when only 15 minutes later they spotted six toms and two hens.
In preparation for the Presque Isle Elks’ Hooked on Fishing, Not Drugs youth fishing derby, the Enfield hatchery of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife will stock Mantle Lake in Presque Isle with 600 8- to 11-inch trout.
Fiddlehead Festival features a river race, 5K and activities at the Northern Maine Fairgrounds in Presque Isle.
I was skeptical that turkey could survive our frigid, snowy, northern Maine winters and find enough food, let alone propagate and expand their territory.
Some paddlers said they had to get out of their boats multiple times and the first finishers were about 45 minutes later than last year.
Aroostook’s refuge in Limestone has no full-time local staff, and has not had an on-site manager since 2017.