PAWS Pet of the Week – Dixie
Calling all tuxedo cat lovers: Dixie is your chick. This endearing and gorgeous cat has “thumbs” and long whiskers.
Calling all tuxedo cat lovers: Dixie is your chick. This endearing and gorgeous cat has “thumbs” and long whiskers.
I have a sister who lives downstate and gets free issues of Downeast Dog News. It is a great little newspaper that comes out periodically.
This week, Luther lost his battle with cancer. Luther was a beautiful black cat who was feral. The Ark was his home for nine years. Luther came to us from a feral cat colony here in town. His shelter was an old abandoned school bus and his food source was whatever he could find.
There is nothing cuter than a teeny weenie mini pig. Well, I haven’t really seen a mini pig, only regular piglets, which are so cute, too. Would I like to have a little mini pig running around with my dogs? Oh, yes, I would, but if I’m being realistic, I will probably never own one.
Happy Summer from the Crazy Dog Lady! I haven’t done much writing lately, having retired from Dead River and getting used to being home every day, and loving it. Can’t believe it is on the downside of summer. Time sure speeds by, especially when you’re enjoying life.
These past few months have been challenging with all of the animals we have taken in that have required extensive vet care. Three dogs needed to be neutered, spayed and vaccinated. One had substantial hair loss, severe dental issues and something called oronasal fistula (he has a hole in his mouth).
It turns out, there’s a pretty good reason cats are obsessed with laser pointers.
With the increase in dog adoptions during COVID-19, it’s important to keep in mind life after quarantine with your new furry friend. Reading up on dog separation anxiety tips once you are no longer trapped inside is the first step toward preventing a mutt meltdown.
As many of you know, The Ark is home to many feral cats. Caring for them can be difficult at times, especially when they are sick.
What a great week we had for the Maine Potato Blossom Festival. Tempo Employment Service, always a big supporter of the animals, sponsored the Festival Pet Show.