
4 years ago

A happy ending

After our Fourth of July warning about pets and fireworks, we wanted to share a writing from a special lady from Castle Hill.  

4 years ago

Ark Animal Sanctuary – Week of July 27, 2020

With all of the craziness going on in the world today, sometimes we just need to take a step back and breathe. We need to realize what is really important  like  human compassion and love and the willingness to help each other. 

5 years ago

Dog years

We all would like our dogs or cats to live forever, but we know that is not possible. When we lose our beloved pet, it is truly devastating for the family members. 

5 years ago

Farewell to a ‘cat named Willie’

For those who have faithfully read this weekly column, on many occasions I would reference our kitty Willie. Many of his antics and quirkiness made for interesting topics over the years. 

5 years ago

A shelter dog’s story

We hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Fourth of July weekend. Quite a few years ago, we shared this “Shelter Dog’s Story” by Susan Claire.  It still brings tears to my eyes. 

5 years ago

Fireworks and pets

Summer has been warm and wonderful so far, and the Fourth of July is just days away.  Due to COVID-19, many fairs and festivals are being canceled, which is so very unfortunate for our northern Maine communities.  

5 years ago

Ark Animal Sanctuary – Week of June 22, 2020

Just when we thought we were out of the woods with kitten season, it has hit full force.  The past few days have been difficult answering the phone and hearing the stories of why people have litters of kittens they need to surrender. 

5 years ago

Stay cool and be kind

I was mentioning to our board of directors this past week that I got a quarterly report from a large online retailer who will donate a portion of my purchases to a charity I select.

5 years ago

Pets: Rx for a happier life

We include them in our family portraits, make room for them on our beds, tell them our deepest secrets and miss work when they’re sick. And whether they paw, fly or swim their way into our hearts, pets are an important part of our lives.

5 years ago

Pets and hot cars don’t mix

It is so unusual to be experiencing 80s and into the 90s this past week. We have all been waiting for summer, and it is finally here. The grass is getting green, the trees are budding and the birds are singing.