
6 years ago

Mission: Find the Worst Road in Maine

Has a pothole popped your rim? Does rough pavement make the trip to work or school a funhouse ride? Tell the Maine Better Transportation Association about it and be eligible for a grand prize of $529.

6 years ago

Vaccination rates continue to drop among Maine schoolchildren

Vaccination rates among schoolchildren continued to drop in Maine this school year, when the share of kindergartners receiving one required vaccine dropped for the third straight year, according to data from the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

6 years ago

Rubble continues to smolder in downtown Van Buren

Monday marked the second day that firefighters worked to snuff out the smoldering remains of a fire that leveled two downtown buildings, including the former home of the iconic Hebert Rexall Pharmacy, in Van Buren on Sunday.

6 years ago

Jackson bill to fund ambulance services receives public hearing

On Wednesday, Senate President Troy Jackson introduced legislation to help keep ambulance and neonatal transport services operating in the state. LD 915, “An Act To Provide Adequate Reimbursement under MaineCare for Ambulance and Neonatal Transport Services” received a public hearing before the Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee.