The Star City Senior Citizen’s club met Feb. 22, at the V.F.W. with 38 members and three guests.
We had two new members join this week: Jackie Hancock and Alan Hancock. Our guests were Rebecca Legassie, from the R.S.V.P office in Presque Isle; Mary Hawthorne and Dalton Stackhouse.
The table blessing was given by Nancy Young, after which everyone enjoyed a pot-luck luncheon.
The regular meeting was opened by President Betty Wilson, with the “Lord’s Prayer”, flag salute and one verse of “America”.
Our sick members are Granvill Lamb, Marie Lamb, Theo Chandler, Aliena Glough, Bea Wasson, and Kempton McManus. We ask that everyone keep them in their prayers.
The secretary’s report was not given, since Nancy Young was absent the last meeting. The treasurer’s report was give by Jean Easler. It was accepted as read and agreed upon by a show of hands from the membership.
Rebecca Lagassie spoke to us about some programs available to seniors. She informed us that the HEAP program still has some funds available. There is a deadline of March 2. Ms. Legassie brought applications for those who were interested. There is a nine-week class that can help teach seniors, how to take care of themselves at home, from nutrition, exercise, home safety, and more. There is even a workshop to help train caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients. For more information on these workshops, contact Dottie Sines at 764-6185.
The meeting was then adjourned. Those who stayed, played bingo.
As a member of the Seniors Club, I am proud to be a member of a growing membership. It shows me that people are enjoying themselves at our Seniors Club. Being the secretary of the Seniors Club, I have the opportunity to meet all new members. What a pleasure it is to know each and everyone of you, new and present members. I feel as if all of you are my family.