According to Jennifer Buzza, treasurer of the Mapleton Daze Committee, a couple of new vendors approached the committee asking if they could attend the summer celebration.
“We have a Noah’s Ark animal workshop which is similar to the Build-a-Bear activity where you buy a bear, it comes with a birth certificate, and you can buy clothes for it. That’s a new attraction for kids,” said Buzza. “We also have a family coming up from Houlton who does temporary airbrush tattoos.”
The Haystack Historical Society will be honoring Miss Emma Blackstone, a well-known teacher in Mapleton for over 20 years. The display will be featured from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday.
“Some of her mementos will be on display at the historical building,” said Buzza. “Other new events will include a road race Saturday, a country-square-contra dance, and musical performances featuring local talent.
“Most of Saturday’s events are geared toward the younger kids, but we didn’t want to exclude the older ones,” she said, “so we’re hoping to be able to draw the older teens with things like the street dance. Mapleton Daze is a fun, family activity for people of all ages.”
When Mapleton Daze first started 17 years ago, it consisted of a chicken barbecue and the alumni banquet. Over the years, it has grown to include one of the region’s largest parades, dozens of activities for children and families, a car show, dances and an ATV poker run.
The schedule of events for this year’s Mapleton Daze is as follows:
Thursday, June 28
7 p.m. Woodie Waddell Memorial Cribbage Tournament at the Lion’s Hall. Fee is $2. Sign up at the door. Bring board and cards/couple.
7 p.m. Beano at the Lion’s Hall. Donations accepted.
Friday, June 29
All activities to be held from 5-7:30 p.m.
Chicken Barbecue. The Lion’s Club will be serving supper at the Elementary School parking lot. One-half barbecued chicken, cole slaw, potato salad, roll and beverage for $6 per person. Take-out will be available.
Homemade Pies and Coffee. $2 per serving and coffee only 50 cents will be on sale. This tasty, annual tradition is sponsored by the Mapleton United Methodist Women.
Homemade Ice Cream, sponsored by the Mapleton United Baptist Youth Group, will be on sale.
New 2007 T-shirts will be on sale during the evening. Sweatshirts and caps will also be for sale.
6:30 p.m. Homemade Strawberry Shortcake for $2.50 per serving. This is sponsored by the Castle Hill Grange Preservation Society.
6-8 p.m. Jumping Castle.
6-8 p.m. Temporary Air Brush Tattoos by Tatitude, the Farrar Family.
6-8 p.m. Noah’s Ark Animal Workshop, “stuff-n-fluff” bear for $10. Bear comes with birth certificate and carrying case. T-shirts are $3.
The FFA will sell hot dogs and soda during the evening.
6:30 p.m. Survivor Contest for ages 13 and up. Sponsored by The Pizza House. Pre-registration at The Pizza House is required. Number of teams is limited. Registration deadline is Wednesday, June 27.
7-8 p.m. Fire Safety House sponsored by the Mapleton Fire Department.
7 p.m. Scavenger Hunt sponsored by the Mapleton Fire Department. This event is for all kids.
7-9 p.m. Music and dance with Donna Nelson and Friends.
Dusk Fireworks display. (Rain date is Saturday night – same time, same place).
Saturday, June 30
6:30-9 a.m. Breakfast will be served by the Chapman Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club in the Lion’s Hall. Open to all. The menu will consist of eggs, ham, hash, baked beans, biscuits, coffee and juice. Cost is $3 for children and $5 for adults.
8 a.m. Road Race for all ages. Register at the school from 7-8 a.m. There is a $2 entry fee. Prizes will be awarded.
9 a.m.-2 p.m. The Lion’s Hall will be open with past Mapleton Daze photo albums for reminiscing.
9:30 a.m. Parade down Main Street, sponsored by First Citizens Bank. Participants should line up on the Dudley Road by 9 a.m. Please call Debbie Sawyer to register at 764-1735. Trophies will be awarded in six categories: Best Hometown, Best Marching Unit, Best Organization, Best Antique Auto, Best Antique Tractor, and Most Original.
9:30 a.m. A Bike Parade will start at the Pool Road and lead the Mapleton Daze Parade through town. Participants should be at the end of the Pool Road by 9 a.m. to organize. Trophies will be awarded for the best decorated bike/trike/stroller or wagon in four age categories. Strollers or wagons age 2 and under. Bikes ages 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
10 a.m.-2 p.m. The Haystack Historical Society building will be open. Homemade pie and ice cream will also be for sale.
10 a.m.-2 p.m. A display honoring Miss Emma Blackstone, a well-known teacher in Mapleton for over 20 years, will be available to view in the East Wing of the building. Blackstone kept a written record of her pupils listed in a journal, along with other interesting mementos and pictures from her many years of teaching in Mapleton.
All activities to be held from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the schoolyard
Dunking Booth, sponsored by the Mapleton Cub Scouts.
Petting Farm sponsored by the Nickerson Family.
Pony Rides. $2.
Shriner Clowns.
Children’s Games, operated by the Girl Scouts. New this year, croquet for the whole family.
Jumping Castle.
Food Booths selling hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, pizza, doughboys, sausages, cotton candy, shaved ice, chips and soda.
Car Show. The classes are: 1900 to 1949, cars of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 1990 to present, muscle cars, foreign cars, tractors, pick-ups, and special interest cars. There will be three trophies per class, and one best of show. No pre-registration. For more information, call Jim Burrill at 762-5131.
Tatitude, airbrush tattoos.
11 a.m.-1 p.m. The Mapleton United Baptist Church will be registering children for Vacation Bible School. Free balloons.
11:30 a.m. Giant Haystack search with hidden prizes, sponsored by Key Bank. Four age groups (4 and under, 5-7, 8-10 and 11-12).
Noon Watermelon Eating Contest. Sponsored by Friends Market. Prizes will be awarded in two age groups (7 and under and 8-12).
Noon-2 p.m. Horse-drawn Wagon Rides will be given for the whole family. Provided by the Putnam Family.
Noon-2 p.m. A performance by Randy Michaud at the Elementary School parking lot.
12:30 p.m. Hula Hoop Contest in the center of the schoolyard. Prizes will be awarded.
1 p.m. Horseshoe Tournament. Call Danny Breton at 764-0855 in advance for registration. There will be a $5 entry fee, and it will be a “winner-take-all” tournament.
1 p.m. The Raffle for the Girl’s and Boy’s Bikes and Wagons will be drawn at the sound booth on the school grounds.
5-6:30 p.m. Baked Bean and Ham Supper, sponsored by the Presque Isle Class of 2009, will be served at the Lion’s Hall. Tickets are $3 for children (12 and under) and $5 for adults. The meal will also include potato salad, cole slaw, dinner roll and dessert. Tickets may be purchased at the door.
6:30 p.m. Alumni Banquet at the elementary school. Advanced reservations only.
6:30-8:30 p.m. Country-Square-Contra Dance, sponsored by Aroostook Partners in the Arts, with “The Aroostookrats.” Joanne Putnam will be the caller. The dance will be at the Lion’s Hall. Tickets are $5 for individual or $12 per family. Advance tickets can be purchased at the Aroostook Centre Mall or the Crystal Compass Bookstore.
8-10 p.m. Street Dance for teens on Main Street in Doyen’s shop yard. Groups playing will be Frank Marmanik Band, Avalanche and Hynged.
Sunday, July 1
7 a.m. Sunrise Service will be held at the Gazebo with Nathan Gardner and Ebb Lovely.
7-10 a.m. Breakfast at Mapleton Lunch. The wait staff will be members of the Mapleton Fire Department.
7-10 a.m. Breakfast Buffet at The Pizza House.
9 a.m. Jerry Dow and Merlyn Buck Memorial Walk. Pledges will go to the alumni scholarship fund. Meet in front of the Lion’s Hall. Call Katie Buck at 762-7891 for information.
10 a.m.-2 p.m. ATV Poker Run sponsored by the Mapleton ATV Club. Registration is near the underpass. Call Clayton Craig at 764-0092 for more information. It will be a 35-mile ride. Several prizes will be awarded.
10:45 a.m. Welcome Home Service at the Mapleton United Baptist Church.
2-4 p.m. Gospel Concert with Mark Murchison at the Lion’s Hall. No admission fee. The Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce will be selling Strawberry Shortcake at the concert.
New events added to Mapleton Daze Weekend
MAPLETON, Maine – Some new events will be featured at this year’s 17th annual Mapleton Daze Weekend scheduled for June 28-July 1.