Strength of community impressive

17 years ago

To the editor:
I recently had the pleasure of representing The Acadia Hospital and presenting to a group of 60 Aroostook County ninth-graders who were participating in Survivor Aroostook V, a week-long summer camp that lets young people learn about health care careers.
    The topic of my presentation was on the dangers of opiate abuse and its signs and symptoms, as part of Acadia’s Close to Home opiate education campaign. I also spoke to the campers about the types of health care careers available to them in the fields of mental health and substance abuse treatment and showed a short film entitled, “Falling” that was written, directed and acted in by Maine high school students with the support of a non-profit group called Project Aware.
I was impressed with the campers and with the involvement of so many community organizations that make the camp a reality. In the short time I was there I witnessed employees from The Aroostook Medical Center working hand-in-hand with area police, fire and rescue personnel on a simulated accident scene. I watched these adults work as teachers with the young campers as they stabilized, transported and treated the “victims” of the accident.
It was amazing to watch as these young people stepped up to perform the necessary tasks under the watchful and expert direction of the emergency personnel and hospital staff. One of the main goals of the camp is to get young people interested in health care careers in the hope that they will one day return to their community with these important skills. I have no doubt that for at least some of the students the camp is the beginning of a lifelong involvement in health care.
I also learned that Northern Maine Community College participated as a major sponsor to keep the camp’s cost to a minimum, and I heard that many other organizations and businesses sponsored the week-long camp. This joint effort is a testament to the strength in community that is one of the hallmarks of “The County”, and all those involved should be recognized for their good work.

Alan Comeau, director
Community Relations and Development
The Acadia Hospital