Easton Wesleyan Church recently had their annual Friend Day. David Gopee was the guest singer, and he stirred hearts as he sang about the Lord. Pastor Matt and Pastor Vaughn had grown beards for one month prior to Friend Day in order to present a special challenge to the congregation: If at least 165 people attended this special service, Presque Isle barber Dwight Helstrom would shave the pastors’ beards – that, after their pastoral intern threw a shaving cream pie at them. The wives of the pastors (tired of looking at the scraggly, scratchy beards!) were thrilled that 168 people were in attendance. Pastor Dee threw her pies, and Dwight shaved the pastors. Everybody had a great time, and all are already looking forward to next year’s service.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
CHERYL BOULIER and Judy Gould, Lifeline coordinators from The Aroostook Medical Center, speak to the members of Easton’s Happy Days Senior Citizens’ Club recently about the Lifeline buttons and their lifesaving uses.
The Easton United Methodist Women met at the home of Margery Niblett for their monthly meeting. Carol Higley led devotions with poetry and the “Lord’s Prayer.” A prayer list was made up and President Eldora Carter led the group in a prayer for them. The word for the day was ‘walk.’ The UMW Purpose was read by all. After the reading of the secretary’s report by Marjorie Corey and treasurer’s report by Marie Hewitt, the president reported that there were three quilt tops that should be tacked in the next month. The tops were put together by a home-bound member, Lillian Flewelling. The baby quilts for sale still stands at six. The group made 20 visitations during the month and under Community Service, one member still transports a lady to work and to get groceries. They all recycle. A thank-you letter was read from the local American Red Cross for a recent donation. The Northern Maine United Methodist Women Newsletter from President Peggy Swett was read and members were reminded that the Northern District UMW annual meeting would be held in Baileyville, on Oct. 6, with registration at $1 and a luncheon for $5. No one was sure that they might be able to attend. Under Old Business, the president spoke of all the stuffed toys that have accumulated at her house along with a box of flip-flops. The group had planned to send boxes of stuffed toys and the flip-flops to a soldier stationed at a hospital in Iraq for distribution to those children hurt in the war, but that contact has since gone out into the field. She said that she would try to find another contact in some way but that she does not need any more stuffed animals. It was voted to move the November meeting up to Wednesday, Nov. 14, so that they could prepare for the Fall Sale which will be held on Saturday, Nov. 17. There will be no trash-and-treasure tables this year. Freda Dionne volunteered to make up a new Prayer Line list for the future. The Oct. 17 meeting will be held at the home of Dottie Beaton. Those present were: Eldora Carter, Marjorie Corey, Freda Dionne, Marie Hewitt, Dottie Beaton, Carol Higley, Glenice Craig, and hostess Margery Niblett.
This month has five Sundays in it. It has been planned that if any month has five Sundays, then all the local churches would gather at one church for a community evening service. This month that service will be held at the Easton Wesleyan Church, Sept. 30, at 6 p.m.
All Easton people who know U.S. Army Sergeant Derek White or his family are very happy to hear that he is finally in the states after serving his second tour of duty in Iraq.
Patricia Hash of Rome, N.Y., drove to Easton to spend a week recently, visiting with her aunt, Carol Higley. Carol’s son, George Higley, of East Haven, Conn., also spent several days visiting with her and his sister, Sue Patterson and family. After he went home, friends of Carol’s, George and Ann Moreland, also of Conn., came for a week’s visit with her.
Little Noah Daniel, the son of Robin Tidd and grandson of Dan and Lynn Blevens, was brought home from the Eastern Maine Medical Center last Sunday after undergoing two hernia operations but had to be taken to The Aroostook Medical Center on Sunday night suffering with breathing problems. Little Noah is only a few weeks old.
Rae Lynn Hewitt drove up from Bangor where she has been staying to be with her husband, Michael Hewitt, who was a patient at Eastern Maine Medical Center, to bring her father, Dana Knox, home from TAMC where he had been hospitalized with a broken leg. After returning to Bangor, she found that Michael could be released to come home. A busy lady but she has them landed now. Her mother, Ethel Knox, has been moved to the rehabilitation unit in the Mars Hill health care facility for a little more help.